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Fray Mitchell.

I walked down the school hallway as i pushed a strain of my blonde hair behind my ear. I fiddle with the amount of books I was carrying.

I can't really see where im going with the books blocking my view, but I kept walking.

It was quite hard to keep up with the books in my hand and my hair flying everywhere. Not to mention, people "accidently" bumping into me and "accidently" pushing me. But luckily, I didn't fall once.

but then a shoulder slams into me, which knocked me down to the floor with all the books flying everywhere.

I land on my bottom and let out a muffled "ommfh". in a second, I was picking all the books back into my hand and clumsily stood back up, but was only met with rough hands pushing me back down.

I huffed and picked at my books once again and stood up quickly, scared and prepared to be shoved back down to the school floor. I waited while I closed my eyes, but nothing happened.

I opened my eyes to see Brandon o' Brian, the captain of the football team. Hazel eyes, brown hair, muscular guy, and well, a good looking guy. And although he's the top of the popularity triangle in our school, he has a heart of stone. Which means he's a jerk.

Lets just cut to the chase, he bullies me. He makes my life like a living hell.

I looked up at him and he chuckles. His lips tugged in a smirk.

I only scoffed in respond towards his cocky behavior, then I spin on my heal and walked away.

"Aren't you gonna cry and tell on your mommy and daddy about what I did to you?" He shouted behind me and heard small snickers from people walking past me.

I wanted to turn around and shout him a come back, like what I would usually do. But I wasn't in any mood for another fit today. So I kept walking, ignoring his calls of calling me names.


When i arrived in the school library, I quickly placed all the books down on the nearest table I could find. I sat down on one of the chairs as I catch my breath, tired from walking and yes, I don't do exercise.

I texted my best friend-Jordy-that I've arrived inside the library room.

Me: hey Jord, Im inside the library. Where r u?

After a few seconds of sending the text to him, I heard my phone lit up with a new message showing on the screen.

Jords🐶: I'm in the back. Bring the books with you! x

I grab all the books in my hand and made my way to the back of the library.

I looked around the room to find my black haired friend to give him all the books that he was supposed to carry.

"You know, I think this could be my new favorite book to read."

I turn around to see my best friend sitting in a chair with The fault in our stars book in his hands.

"I mean sure, it's quite cliché. But it's worth to try and read it." He continued. He looked up at me and gave me his award winning smile.

"Oh hey Fray! do you got all the books i told you to bring me?" He place the book on the table and pats the other seat for me to sit in. I kindly accepts it.

"Yeah" I dropped all the books right in front of him."not a problem. Although, you still owe me something." I smiled at him.

He smiled back."fine, i'll watch the fault in our stars with you."

I squealed and hugged him, saying thank you for the amount of thousand times. And then he told me we need to go finish our work, and I just nod.

After that, We chatted about the book "The fault in our stars". And jordy keeps saying how it's such a cliché book. Although I strongly disagree with his opinion, since it is one of my favorite books,

"Its not that bad, I know you hate cliché stories, but you'll love it! gosh, I can't wait to watch it with you tonight." I told him excitedly while I placed the books in its alphabetic order.

He just smiled in respond, as we continue to place all the books back in the racks.


"I'm home!"

I slammed the door behind me and walked inside the living room. And as always, no was home.

My mom and dad owns this fancy company and they usually comes home late at night.

I sighed and throw my bag on the white leather couch.

I ran upstairs to my bedroom, and jumped on my fluffy bed. Exhausted and tired of school.

i snuggled closer on one of my white fluffy pillow and slowly drifted to sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25, 2015 ⏰

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