"Finally. I was wondering when I get the chance to meet you." He spoke, pushing himself off the wall. "It's kind of hard when your bodyguards are always around ya." He took a few steps forward, before stopping right in front of me. 

It took all my strength not to take a step back once he got closer. Instead I stood my ground, looking up at him with a blank look, making myself unreadable. 

He held out his hand, "My name is Confederate. You?" 

I take his hand, instantly feeling chills crawl up my spine, "(Y/N). Nice to meet you." I say politely, a fake smile forming along my face. Man it has been a while since I worked up one of those. 

"Nice to meet you too. Maybe we'll be able to see each other around." Confederate spoke, something about his words made me feel ... uneasy. I pull my hand away, watching as he walked around me, making his way down the hall. 

I rub the hand which he shook with, turning my head to watch him walk down the hall with his hands clasped behind his back. 

My eyes narrowed, before turning back to face forward, walking quickly towards the stairs, making my way down them. "Good morning darling." Reichtangle welcomed with a smile which settled my nerves. 

"Morning Reichtangle." I say, before looking over towards the kitchen, the sound of something shattering against the ground could be heard. "What's going on?"

"Soviet and Reich got into a fight. Nothing new if I'm honest." Reichtangle spoke with a shrug. "It has been long overdue." He then took out an apple from his pocket before tossing it. "Here, the only thing I could grab before the chaos started." 

"Thanks." I say with a small nod, taking a bite out of the red apple. I hear a small whine, causing me to look over towards the door seeing Hunter scratching at it. "I'll be just outside." I say, walking over towards the front door. 

"Don't go far." Reichtangle warned, looking back down at the book in his hands. I slipped on my shoes quickly before putting on my gloves. 

I grabbed the door handle, turning the knob, saying, "I won't." I open it, Hunter shooting out, running against the snow while I stepped out of the house, closing the door behind me. The cold air nipped against my nose, my breath could be seen as it floated up into the atmosphere. 

I watched as Hunter sniffed around, playing around in the snow after using the restroom. He rolled around in the snow, before hopping around like a rabbit, barking happily as he wagged his tail. 

I look down noticing a stick, picking it up I called out Hunter's name, catching his attention. "Look what I got boy." I say, swinging the stick around. He barked with joy, before running up to me. I laugh as I started to run across the snowy ground with Hunter running right behind me. I skid to a stop, before turning around in the other direction, Hunter's paws sliding across the ground as he changed directions. 

He then jumped onto my back, knocking me down onto the ground as he clamped his jaws around the stick, yanking it out of my grip before running away, putting a few feet between us. I sit up, seeing his chest down towards the ground, his hind end high in the air, in a playful gesture. 

I laugh, completely forgetting about my apple which was now in the snow, shaking my head slightly, standing up before chasing the grey dog around the snowy landscape. I couldn't get close to the pup, out of breath, I slow down to a stop. Holding my elbow over my nose as I sneezed, Hunter trotting back over, placing the stick on the ground in front of my feet. 

I smiled lightly, picking up the stick before throwing it, Hunter chasing after it. I resisted the urge to laugh as Hunter tripped over his own paws, tumbling to the ground before scurrying back up to his feet, grabbing the stick with his mouth, before running back. 

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