Chapter 1: Discovered

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It was a mighty fine day in... Wait, where are we again? Ah, yes, Tokyo. Almost forgot, seeing as how REAL Tokyo doesn't normally include 5 frog aliens from the planet of Keron. Oh, yeah, by the way, I'm the Narrator, in case you didn't know. I wish I had a name... :(

Anyway, back to the story. It was a mighty fine day in Tokyo, and the Armpit Platoon (stupid name, I know) was in the base, plotting and scheming up ridiculous plans to take over Earth, or as they call it, Pekopon.

"Stuffed animals!" Sergeant Keroro announced, slamming a small green hand down on the desk.

Corporal Giroro groaned, "What's he up to this time?" Of course, there were two in the room that trusted Keroro completely (despite his uncanny ability to ruin every plan they had ever come up with). Private 2nd class Tamama and Destroyer of Worlds (Angol Moi) focused intently on the moronic green Keronian, waiting patiently for his next words.

"Stuffed animals, Corporal. The fluffy, cute animals that are adored all over Pekopon. We must make the fluffiest, cutest stuffed animal toys the world has ever seen. Children will beg, thousands of orders will be placed, and cash will flow in, providing the money we need to finance our invasion plan! It's pure genius, if I do say so myself."

Does anyone else notice that every one of their plans is to finance another plan? And then they always run out of the money they plan to receive before they get to pay for the OTHER plan. I mean, come on, really. It's like... plan-ception or something.

"Stuffed animals? So girly." Corporal Giroro crossed his arms.

Sergeant Major Kululu laughed mischievously, "Ku Ku Ku... Well, Giroro, I happened to... erm, overhear Natsumi gushing over a teddy bear she saw at the mall. You do want to make Natsumi happy, right?"

Giroro's already red face burned even more so. He always gave in if Natsumi was mentioned. And thus, a really, really stupid plan was born.

Meanwhile, across town, high school classes were starting, and three strange transfer students were entering 1st period. Twins, Sophie and Rebecca Maxwell, were introduced, coming all the way from America. After them walked in a peculiar girl. A... Scary girl. (If you read "Legend of the Pheonix" then you can guess who this is. ;D) When the teacher asked them one thing the class should know about them, their answers were odd.

Rebecca smiled and said, "I'm a pacifist!" Everyone cocked their heads, wondering why that fact was so important.

When Sophie stepped up, she rolled her eyes and said, "I'm the exact opposite, so don't mess with me."

Now when Julia stood up - oh, I didn't tell you the scary girl's name? Hm. Well, her name's Julia Connor. Anyway, when she stood up, she announced, a creepy smile adorning her pretty British face, "Bad things will happen if you call me Jules." See? I told you she was scary.

The three took their seats. Rebecca was already making friends. Sophie and Julia kinda... well, they were sitting in the back corner, away from everybody else, so it made sense why they were sorta... well, why everyone hated their outcast guts. Okay, thats an exaggeration, they didn't hate them, merely thought they were total weirdos who didn't deserve friends. ...that's better than hate, right?

I'm rambling. Back to the story. The teacher wrote a simple multiplication problem on the board (11 x 63 = ?) and proclaimed that the first person to answer it correctly would get 5 extra credit points. Natsumi Hinata was furiously working out the problem on a scratch piece of paper. Meanwhile, two new girls' hands shot in the air. Their determined eyes locked for a split second, simply out of sibling rivalry. Rebecca was not going to let her sister get that question. Apparently, their teacher agreed with her.

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