Chapter 16: Old friend.

Start from the beginning

His words made Kuroo click on to who this boy was, remembering when you discussed the reason for not ever having a boyfriend; this guy being the reason.

He sighed. "You constantly try to play the victim! Don't you!"

"That's enough!" Kuroo interrupted harshly, now fully taking a step in front of you so you were no longer in sight of him. "Back off, now." He warned lowly, a husk in the back of his throat.

"It's a shame you're defending her." He turned to walk away. "She'll probably screw you over for another guy anyway."

Kuroo glared with raging eyes as he made his way down the corridor, his fist clenching as he resisted the urge to pummel him in the back of the head. He turned to face you and noticed the streams of tears trickling down your cheeks, his eyes widening in shock from your distraught state.

He instantly encased your palm in his much larger one, pulling you along the corridor to one with no people on it, allowing you to stop and compose yourself in private.

You peered down at your shaking hands with clouded vision from the tears hugging your lower lids and endlessly trickling across the pale skin on your face.

"Y/N! What's going on?!" Kuroo began to panic. "Was that the guy you told me about?!"

You nodded shakily.

"I understand that it may be difficult to see him, but why are you getting this upset?!" Kuroo looked down at you intently, grabbing your trembling hands with his. "All he did was steal some clothes from a locker room and lock you in a classroom?!"

"He didn't just fucking lock me in a classroom!" You snapped harshly, your vocals ripping into a high pitch as you bit back. "He tried to.. he.. sexually assaulted me!"

Kuroo's eyes widened from your words, you tearing your hands away from him and wrap them around your shaking torso. You had never mentioned that..

"I- I haven't seen him since.. and it brought a lot back for me.. okay?" You quietened down, your chest heaving with painful breaths. "He kept.. he kept trying to lie about it, but the principal caught him before he could go any further.. so he wasn't exactly believable."

"I- Y/N.. I'm sorry." Kuroo replied softly.

You wiped your tears that had began to stain your cheeks, a tingling pain irritating the skin.

"Don't apologise." You shook your head, biting your bottom lip.

"I didn't mean to come across insensitive or anything." Kuroo tried to reassure.

He didn't really know how to deal with the situation, your behaviour usually being confident and fun, but having to relive a bit of trauma hit you like a bus.

His face made it all replay in your head, you struggling to calm your panicked state.

Warm and sturdy arms wrapped you in a hug securely, resting gently on top of your shoulders as Kuroo attempted to help. He could feel your limbs trembling against him, you shakily reaching your arms up to return the hug.

"T-Thankyou." You whispered into his chest, the side of your face burying into his shirt.

"It's okay."


"Where'd you guys go?" Oikawa perked up the second he saw you and Kuroo return to the team. "I swear you said you were only going to get vending machine."

"Some stuff kicked off that held us up." You said simply and seriously, trying not to go into detail, sitting down in the floor with the rest of the group.

"Like what?" Oikawa scoffed.

"I don't want to talk about it." You responded, your eyes basically screaming 'don't fucking test me, bitch.'

"Uh.. ok." Oikawa nodded, knowing he shouldn't push into it.

Kuroo stood by your side for another ten minutes or so, until you felt calm and comfortable enough to go back to the group, which eventually you did.

"Guys we have about an hour until our game, then we can head home." Daichi announced. "We're going up against a university called Shibui academy."

"Oh, that university isn't far from my highschool." You remembered, recognising the name and the familiarity of it.

"Maybe you'll know some people we're going up against, then?" Daichi said.

"Maybe." You replied quietly, fiddling with your fingers.


The hour passed pretty quickly, the boys cheering you up a bit with their usual stupid behaviour, you feeling more confident for your game.

You and the team walked over to the gym that your game was organised to be in, everyone talking to one another before the game. It was the same room your previous game was in, the audience being just as busy and the past Olympic coach still spectating over everyone.

You observed everyone in the room quietly, as you did before, looking over at the team and who you were up against

"For fuck sake...This isn't happening.." you growled to yourself in frustration, your voice cracking painfully, peering over the net and seeing the other team players.

And Kaede stood amongst them...


Lmao u don't have to read this if u don't want:

A/N: Wow it's 1am and of course I'm writing again, because clearly I cannot get inspiration at a normal time of day and I make myself sleep deprived as a result lmao.

Anyway.. I hope you enjoyed. I wanted to make it a bit different to my usual chapters so it isn't constantly repetitive, so I went into a bit of detail within a problem Y/N has to face, the subjective of it being a bit sensitive; showing that even strong and confident characters can struggle sometimes.

Idek where the fuck I'm going with this, I'm just blabbering on about whatever.. but I do have a point that I'm shit at explaining, but hey. Goodnight.. or morning? I don't want people to hate this chapter so I'm gonna sleep and hope people enjoy.

Also, thankyou for 30K reads! It's mad! Love you all ❤️

𝐋𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐋𝐢𝐛𝐞𝐫𝐨 -【Haikyuu x reader】Where stories live. Discover now