Harry crashed into the wall with his side and landed on the floor with a thud. He curled into himself. It hurt! With his small body, he was very fragile and he felt like his side was burning. He whimpered in pain.

"You ruined my beautiful face," Bellatrix raged. It wasn't beautiful in the first place, he thought bitterly. She whipped out her wand. "I'm going to kill you, you little pest!"

Harry's eyes widened and tried to scramble away. Tom! Tom where are you. Harry thought frantically as she advanced with a crazed look on her face.

"Avada Ked-"


She stopped mid-sentence and spun around. "My Lord," she breathed and dropped down to her knees. Harry cried out in relief as he saw Tom walking down the hallway.

"What are you doing?" he hissed coldly.

"Just getting rid of a pest, my lord," Bellatrix said with wide adoring eyes.

"I see no pest."

"It's there!" she said pointing in Harry's direction. "It even scratched my face!"

"I see no difference," Tom said darkly and started walking in the direction she had pointed. Harry mewed and stepped forward with a limp. Tom spotted him and his cold, icy expression immediately turned to relief. "There you are," he murmured and stooped down to pick him up. Harry mewed again, glad to be back in his arms, and rubbed himself against Tom's chest with a purr.

"M-My lord? Is he yours?" Bellatrix asked horrified.

"Yes, Bella. He is. And if you lay a finger on him again you will live to regret it. Do I make myself clear?"

"Yes my lord."

"Good. Now get out of my sight!" Tom growled menacingly. Bellatrix bowed and then scurried away.

After she was gone, Tom sighed and looked down at Harry. "I told you not to leave the room." He said and started walking to his office.

You could have told me that Death Eaters were here, Harry thought as he purred in delight as Tom's fingers scratched his ears.

"How did you get down the stairs anyway?" Tom asked as they arrived at his office and he sat down in his chair.

Harry puffed in pride, Ha! Didn't think I could do it huh?

Tom chuckled and placed Harry on his lap and started petting him. Harry whimpered in pain as Tom's hand came into contact with his side. Tom's hand stilled, "Are you alright?" Tom asked placing him on the desk. He mewed softly in pain and Tom's red eyes darkened in anger, "Did she hurt you?" Harry mewed in affirmative. "Where does it hurt?" Tom asked softly and Harry licked his side to show him.

Tom pulled out his wand and muttered a spell. A soft glow surrounded Harry and then stopped. "It looks like you bruised your side," Tom murmured, running his fingers over it. "It probably hurts a lot more for you than it does humans."

Harry mewed again and butted his head against the hand that held the wand, telling Tom to heal him. "Okay, okay. Hold on." Tom raised his wand again and Harry was enveloped in blue light. Immediately the pain was gone. Harry walked around in a circle to test if it hurt anymore. "Better?"

Harry mewed loudly and jumped at Tom, who laughed and caught him as Harry purred and rubbed against him in thank you. "I'll take that as a yes." Harry purred and licked Tom's face unconsciously. "I guess you're pleased," Tom commented. Harry felt his face heat up in embarrassment and horror at what he did, but Tom didn't seem to mind because Tom kissed the top of his head in retaliation, which made Harry wag his tail wildly in pleasure.

Their happy moment was ruined by a knock at the door. Harry's ears perked up and he blushed at being caught enjoying the simple kiss. What's wrong with me? I shouldn't have liked that. I mean it was just a kiss. He thought as he settled into Tom's arms. But even those words made his fur feel hot, so he just decided to stop thinking and waited to see who was at the door. I wonder who it is?

Tom sighed and straightened himself in his chair and placed his cold indifferent mask on his face. "Enter." He called out and resumed scratching Harry's ears. Harry purred in delight and turned his head up to get more.

Lucius Malfoy walked into the room and knelt on the floor. "My lord."

Harry snickered, Not so high and mighty now are you?

"Lucius. What is it that you want?"

Lucius lifted his head and opened his mouth to speak when he saw the kitten in the Dark Lord's arms. His eyes widened in surprise. It was widely known that the Dark Lord wasn't a nice person, so seeing the cat there purring in his lap was very...odd.

"Lucius," Tom hissed in impatience.

Lucius snapped his head up to the Dark Lord's eyes, then lowered it, "I have news, my lord."

"What is it?"

"I have gained information from Hogwarts that Harry Potter is missing."

Harry stiffened in fear and the hand stroking him stopped, then continued again, "Is that right?" Where is he now?"

"I don't know my lord."

"Find him," Tom whispered, "And bring him to me."

"Yes my lord," Lucius bowed his head and then left the room.

Tom sat back in his chair in thought, "Well this is certainly good news. With the Potter brat out from under the old fool's nose, he is defenseless."

Harry mewed in misery. During the last few weeks, he had really started to like Tom very much. He was different than what he had thought he was. Now it was all over. He was going to be discovered and then Tom would kill him without a second thought.

Sensing Harry's pain, Tom picked him up and set him on the desk, "What's wrong Harry. Does your side still hurt?"

Harry shook his head and walked forward and rubbed his head against Tom's face. Then gave him scratchy kisses. I'm sorry. I'm sorry I lied. I am Harry Potter. I'm right here. I always have been.

"What's gotten into you," Tom asked confused.

Harry looked at him sadly. You'll find out soon enough.

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