welcome to the family

Start from the beginning

"I'm Tyron Mackenzie from Miami. A family of gangs except for my father who was a cop. I worked in the military as a spy for 6 years since I was 19 and chose to retire after my cover was almost blown but was kept under the care of Dean." Tyron sighed. "I'm afraid of storms, I'm not allergic to anything and I fail at house duties. I just can't seem to do anything right when I'm working around the house." Markus smiled.

"Are you okay about talking about your parents?" Tyron paused. He had never spoke about his parents before but he felt like telling him. "It's okay if you don't want to. I'm also uncomfortable with the topic."

"It's okay. I'm the 2nd born of my parents. My mum is a lovely and fun loving lady. She loves chatting and having tea. Lots and lots of tea." He chuckled shaking his head. "My dad, he was killed at a shoot out.... we all thought he would survive and he did but they poi.... poisoned him." He felt a hand wrap around his and squeezed it in a comforting manner. "He was a nice person, he helped a lot with the community. He just had a kind heart but then him being a cop led him into discovering some shady stuff and they had to silence him." Markus chose to be silent. He knew that if it were him in his shoes, he would want to be alone.

"We are here." Markus look at the gate filled with women all dressed up. He chuckled. "Don't mind them, just greet back and everything will be fine." Tyron chuckled.

"Guess you are the." He cleared his throat and used a somewhat feminine voice. "The hot single daddy." They both laughed before getting out of the car with Tyron holding Sandra in his arms.

"Hey, Markus."
"How are you Markus."
"You should visit us some days." We're the words coming from most of the ladies there. Others just chose to eye him as candy. Two kids then ran into Markus' arms.

"Hey daddy." They both said in unison.

"Hi kids. How was your day?" He asked giving them kisses on their heads.

"Good, yours?" The girl said.

"Great, actually. I want you to meet our new housemate." He pulled the kids to the car. "Tyron, this is Victor and Tryzah. Tryzah, Victor, this is Tyron, your new bodyguard."

"Hi." Victor said raising his palm for a high five. "Welcome to the family." Tryzah on the other hand was holding back a squeal.

"Tryzah, no." She started bouncing on her toes. Tyron looked at Markus with a confused frown. "Tryzah, I'm not gay. And he is not, I think?" Markus turned to Tyron who just nodded his head. He wasn't ashamed of who he is. He didn't care what anyone thought. "He is? But I'm not. Get that thought out of your head."

"But papa..." Tyron looked at their conversation in amusment. "You. He. He's handsome. And cute. And.. And... He's hot. And you are single... And you don't date ladies even Sandra accepts him" Markus shook his head.

"I am fine just the way I am Tryzah. I'm going to confiscate those books in your rooms today. I need to know what you read." He went to the driver's side and Tyron placed Sandra at her car seat before taking the front which was left by the two.

"You woldn't." Tryzah said in a tone that was supposed to be scary.

"I would, I can and I will." Markus said taking a turn towards the hotel his office is situated.

"No you won't." Tryzah said crossing her arms.

"Yes I will." Markus was smirking.

"No you won't."

"I will."

"You won't."

"Watch me young lady." They went on back and forth till they reached the hotel.

"Umm... Markus." Tyron took their attention.

"What?" They both asked and he raised his hands.

"I'm hungry, so I think I will bring Victor and Sandra with me." He said taking Sandra from the car. "Fix this." He shut the door following Victor who led them to the kitchen.

"Victor." A fat guy called in a French accent to him his eyes lighting up. "Come here, just the person I need."

"Bonjour Jean. Tyron, this is our head chef Jean. Jean, this is Tyron, our new bodyguard and apparently dad's boyfriend." Tyron chocked on his own spit. Everyone surrounded him for gossip. "According to Try."

"Oohh..." everyone said going back to work looking bored.

"Wait, you wouldn't mind it?" One of the waitress, Linda asked. "Your father dating a guy? Well.... A hot guy I say." She looked at Tyron bitting. Her lower lip.

"I'm gay." Tyron said. "But you are beautiful." Linda smiled big.

"Thank you." Linda smiled warmly.

"You welcomed. Come here." She moved closer to him and he whispered in her ear. "Ask the guy with blond out. Don't think I didn't notice." She blushed.

"I can't." She whispered back.

"What's his name?" He asked taking a seat next to Victor watching them with a smile.

"Davin." He answered and Tyron turned to the said person.

"Hey, Davin." Davin turned to them and everyone too. "I have reserved a table for you and Linda tonight."

"What? Wha, why?" He looked confused and everyone's face was amused.

"I'm feeling like playing cupid today." He took two of his fingers and pretended to shoot at the two people, Davin and Linda.

"Tyron?" Victor called to him. He turned. "It's a bow and arrow not a gun."

"Well, I'm just different." He sighed and placed his hands behind his head while everyone chuckled going back to what they were doing.

"I've tried a new recipe. Taste it And tell me what you think okay?" They both nodded and dug in. Humming in content.

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