Busted-Chapter Twenty-Four

Start from the beginning

I was starting to feel a little light headed, probably due to the fact that I hadn't taken a breath in 2 minutes, or was it 5? I didn't even know I could hold my breath that long.

I started to pull away, not that I ever wanted to stop kissing him. Noah rested his forehead on mine, as we both breathed heavily, trying to regain our breath.

''You don't know for how long I've wanted to do that.'' Noah whispered, finally opening his eyes, as his thumb brushed over my bottom lip. A fresh wave of butterflies erupted in my stomach as my heart rate increased.

''Y-you have?'' I said frowning up at him. Wow, I got 1 out of 2 words without stuttering. Considering I was still amazed by the kiss we just shared, it was quite the accomplishment.

''You have no idea.'' He said his eyes boring into mine. I bit my lip, nodding. Not knowing what to say next as I held our gazes.

He chuckled; shutting his eyes tight, as his hand caressed my cheek.

''What?'' I asked, still looking up at him.

''That lip biting...'' He started. ''It drives me crazy.'' He said shaking his head a little. Indeed. I think something poked my tigh. That had to be my imagination right?

''Oh.'' I quickly stopped biting my lip, feeling embarrassed.

''You’re too cute.'' He smiled and started to lean down, before softly pecking my lips. A shiver ran down my spine as he nibbled on my bottom lip. ''I-I really need to tell you something.'' Noah said after a few minutes of looking into my eyes.

''Go ahead.'' I said swallowing nervously. Millions of things ran through my mind as I waited for Noah to speak.

What was he about to tell me?

Was I a bad kisser?

Does my breath smell bad?

Was I being pranked? I could just imagine him telling me 'You've just been pranked.'

Or was he just playing me...

 ''SARAH AND NOAH, LYING IN THE SNOW! K-I-S-S-I-N-G-!!'' I jumped a little, looking around trying to see who was singing. When my eyes landed on the five little kids on the porch, my eyes widened as I felt the heat rush up to my cheeks. Soon, Gabriel, Tyler and Alyson were singing along with the kids.

''This is so embarrassing.'' I whined, hiding my blushing face in Noah's coat. Noah laughed and I pinched his side. ''This is not funny.'' I whined my voice muffled by his shirt. Still, laughing Noah pulled us to our feet.

''They're just jealous.'' He whispered as he started to lean down.

''What are you doing?'' I asked, my gaze traveling between his lips and his eyes. Noah shrugged in response before closing the distance between us.

Noah's soft lips met mine for the second time, my hands resting on his chest. My mind was probably playing tricks on me but... his heart was beating, really fast... The same sparks were running through my body as I felt my knees starting to go weak. I wrapped my arms around Noah's neck as his tongue ran over my bottom lip. I gladly granted him entrance, forgetting all about the others that were singing. 

''Hey guys, keep it PG!!'' I heard a voice yell.  I jumped a little and tried to pull away but Noah tightened his grip around my waist.  

''Where do you think you're going?'' Noah whispered against my lips. I tried to pull away again; only earning a low chuckled by Noah.

''Th-they said that-'' Noah cut me off by crashing his lips on mine. He pulled away, grinning after a few seconds.

''You were saying?'' He whispered teasingly, caressing my cheek with his hand. I guess he noticed how much of an effect he has one me.

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