Jin's legs wrapped around my waist, and I kissed him hungrily, his fingers tangling into my hair.

"God, I've missed you," I moaned into his ear, my lips trailing down his jaw.

"Jungkook," he whimpered softly, his length pressing against the unmistakably hard bulge in my pants.

My hands lifted the hem of his soft sweater, pulling it over his head and flinging it onto the floor.

I looked at his half-naked form, and I was extremely worried. I noticed that he'd lost weight. Quite a lot, actually. I could see the shape of his ribs.

"Oh, Jin..." I whispered, tracing along his stomach with my fingertips. "Why... Haven't you been eating? Jinnie, why?"

He shook his head. "I haven't really been hungry lately."

"You have to eat. You'll make yourself ill. Jin, you have to be strong. I love you. You need to be healthy, happy all the time."

He shrugged. "I don't want to talk about that." His eyes diverted downwards, not meeting mine.


"No. I don't want to think."

I opened my mouth to speak again, and he pressed his lips against mine, silencing me.

"Please," he whispered. "I don't care about any of that right now. Make me forget everything. Make me forget my own name."

I kissed him back, hating that he's in pain, hating that I can't be around him all the time and make it better.

His body fitted perfectly against mine.

"It's been hell without you," Jin gasped as soon as I let him talk.

My lips move to his neck, and I hear his breathless pants, and I feel him grinding against me.

He clawed at the buttons on my shirt, flinging it onto the floor.

I moan at the feeling of his bare chest against mine.

I rip his clothes, followed by my sweatpants and boxers, and soon, we're on the couch my body over his.

I move my hand down his stomach, teasing him with my fingers.

Jin gasped, his legs spreading further. I rubbed his sensitive nipples with my thumb, as a finger from my other hand pushed into him.

He lets out a loud moan that's nearly a scream, and I realize that I never knew how much I'd missed this until now.

Not just making love. But everything. I wanted to always be with him.

My fingers pump in and out of him, and he comes, loudly, his screams of pleasure muffled by my lips. Before anything, I stopped for a while and looked into his eyes deeply. "Are you sure you want to do this right now, baby? I love you. I can wait. I love you for you, not just for your body." Jin looked a little taken back, but his soft gaze told me he trusted me and he loved me too. His gaze told me he was ready. He nodded gratefully, a kiss on my lips following afterwards. I positioned myself above him, and our gazes locked just before I enter him.

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