I don't get far though, Richard once again standing in my way, "You should go back to bed, your bandage is already slipping," He attempts to convince me. Though I can tell he knows it's pointless because he hands me a dollar.

I keep a straight face as I gently push him out of the way, "I'm fine, just a scratch," I give him a reassuring smile and make my way to the vending machine and getting a bottle of water.

Once I get it, the receptionist at the desk across from me glances up to me with a smile. She has brown eyes and beautiful strawberry blonde hair, a rare combination, "I see you're up and walking, feeling better?" She asks kindly, since this is a police case it makes sense that she knows who I am.

I smile back, "Yeah, I was just wondering-" I cut myself as I see Richard and Hank coming towards me. Shit, there's no way he's gonna let me leave that easily. I subtly signal Hank to keep Richard occupied, I receive a nod in return and he ushers him away slightly, going back towards the vending machines. I turn back to the receptionist with a whisper, "How long before I can be discharged? I mean, I'm not in any pain and just really wanna go home," I attempt to convince her.

The kind girl smiles at me, "It shouldn't be a problem now that you're up and walking, name?" She asks.

My face falls a little bit, "Avery Kyle-"

Her face drops a little bit, "As in, Wayne Enterprises Avery Kyle?"

I give a tight smile, "Yeah, that's me." I awkwardly reply.

The woman looks at me with a smile before typing on the computer, "So it looks like you're cleared to leave as soon as a Mr. Grayson, signs these," She pulls out a couple of forms, "I also have a bag for you, clothes, your phone and a purse, before you go I'll need to see your ID."

I nod and take the forms from her, "Does he have to sign these? I mean, I'm an adult and I'm awake."

She gives me a truly sympathetic glance, "I'm afraid because you came in with a head injury, he signed you in, so he has to sign you out. Sorry."

"Okay, thank you," I gratefully take the bag and fumble through my purse before grasping my driver's licence and proving I am who I say I am before walking to the two men who are already sitting waiting for me.

Hank stands as he sees me, "So?"

I chuckle, shaking my head, "Realx, I'm good to go. I just need whichever one of you that signed me in to fill out these-" I motion to the clip board, "-as soon as possible because I want to find Rachel as soon as I can." I inform them.

Richard takes the forms from me with a concerned look, "You literally just woke up-"

"I don't care," I hold a hand up to silence him, "I'm awake now, and the second you fill those out, I'm leaving to get Rachel and hurt whoever did that to Dawn."

Hank stifles a smile, "And how about the one that hurt you?"

I smirk at him, "Well... I'm sure a few people have a bone to pick with him too."

As Richard fills out the form, an occasional unusual question falling from his lips as we try and figure out why they'd need to know how long I've been driving and weird things like that, we walk into my little hospital room.

Titans Among Us - Dick GraysonWhere stories live. Discover now