"Oh shut it," I stuck my tongue out.

Mitch soon joined and I've narrated him how I found another person who stans Dreamcatcher just like us. He was excited to know who the guy was and you all can guess what May did. She teased me to the point, I logged off groaning at my best friends. It was half of the trouble because the other two idiots didn't join them.

Later that evening, Joo Hyun dropped by my house. It became common to him to come to our house, my parents adored him and Ji Hun was a fan of his music knowledge. Ah Rin and So Mi tag along and we spend the weekend nights watching dramas, sitcoms, movies and what not.

Witn Joo Hyun by my side, I didn't notice how the time flew by. It was already September. Chance's birthday was in a few days, on 18th of September. I was busy with my work too, I was getting more and more tired day by day over the amount of work I get assigned.

Joo Hyun and I were in the noodles shop near my house. We meet alone sometimes when our friends ditch us. We got closer because of the fact. I got to know more about him and he basically became family in very less time.

"I'd take the same, ajhumma (old woman)!" I said my order and she smiled at me.

Joo Hyun turned to her, "I'll have the usual too!"

My usual order was hot pot and his was  chicken noodles. I turned to face him, "Now, tell me what you wanted to tell."

He said, "You have to design a room for my neighbours who are moving to the chaebols (rich people's) area."

I nodded, "I'll look into it. I am barely getting time with all the projects thrown at me."

He put his hand on mine, "Don't stress, take days off when you can."

"I know, I'll try."

"Also, you're still coming to the fair, right?"

I grinned, "Of course, I've been dying to go!"

"What a nice match you found, Ji Hee," The old woman came to us with our food.

"We are not- we are just friends!" I said, digging into my noodles.

He shook his head, "I believe in love and all but that's exactly why I'm single. Waiting for my soulmate."

"Ah? Don't try too hard, you might end up not looking at what's in front of you-"

"Ajhumma!" My face was red, I couldn't help but blush at her words. I was searching for my soulmate too but I'm not a rush. Just because we are good friends doesn't mean that we end up marrying each other. I don't believe in it anymore because of Chance.

I know that not every man is like Chance but even so, I need time. Joo Hyun wasn't someone who'd fall easily because he's an overthinker, just like me. Overthinkers like me, think about a thousand reasons not to fall for a person but we end up falling for them because we think too much.

And that scared me because lately all my thoughts are about Joo Hyun. I keep thinking about him playing the piano, how his day was and if he was skipping meals. I didn't want to name our relationship as something advanced. For now, just friends looked better. I don't want to end up crying over another ride which ended too quick.

He cleared his throat as the old woman walked away giving us looks. We came here almost every other day, I even work here as I wait for him. Him and I are a sight, we are always seen together if we are seen at all.

Ah Rin and So Mi think that Joo Hyun is the right guy for me. May thinks the same but then these three want me to run and chase. I didn't want to chase after love anymore, I want love to knock on my door. And when it does, I want it to come with a big suitcase so that I'd know that it would stay for a long time.

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