All cleaned up and with the dirty, food stained clothes tossed aside I've been battling to get into a clean top. The stretchy pink top however wasn't as spacious as the t-shirt I wore previously. My tits were spilling out of the low cut neck, showing good three feet of cleavage. Guess it'll have to do... Now where was I? Ah! The usual. Eating...

Getting back to the table I found it filled with take outs from every thinkable fast food chain, Chinese restaurant or pizza place there were in town. After rearranging two chairs, I lowered my sizeable, yet often overshadowed, posterior onto them, sitting sideways in order to be able to reach the table without my chest in the way. I took a pizza box from a tower made of nine more of her sisters, digging in without further ado.

"And there's the other half of your order." I stopped with a slice of pizza halfway to my mouth, hearing a familiar male voice. The speaker himself was hidden behind a tall stack of pizza boxes. I thought I was hard to miss, but it was obvious he didn't notice me with the boxes in front of his face. He placed them on the last bit of a space there was on the table. "I got to say, this looks like it's going to be one hell of a party!" he said, still oblivious to my person.

"Travis!" I exclaimed when I finally realized who the person was. Only now he turned to see me. The poor guy looked like he was going to pass out, staring at me with his mouth and eyes wide open. "It's gonna be one girl party, I'm afraid." I said giggling, but the sorry lad didn't seem to be able to drag his gaze from my tits. It was quite optimistic on my part to expect he would be able to comprehend what I was saying to him with all his blood rushing to his nether regions. "Guess I've grown a bit in the past year, huh?"

Due to my unique anatomy I wasn't able to see the effects of my constant eating, but I certainly felt my midsection expand from the seemingly never ending stream of sustenance. All I could say was that my swollen gut was definitely reaching past my knees, steadily growing larger and larger, filling with mind boggling amounts of food. When even the last bits of my take out snack disappeared inside my stomach, I could honestly say I wasn't hungry anymore. Still, it was barely noon and I was looking forward to what my mom had in store for lunch.

"Come on, push!"

"I. Am. Pushing!" My mother breathed out, grinding her teeth in effort, trying to move my quite exquisite bosom from the service cart onto the emptied table. Mom needed the cart to be able to bring me more food, but found it... occupied. With my dad still gone and me stuck beneath my own engorged belly, it was a difficult task. I had a feeling it probably didn't help that she was outweighed by my tits... It was rather funny thought, considering my mom definitely fitted into the category of morbid obesity. Slowly, but surely the huge mass was slipping on the thankfully greasy surface. Only once in my life I've seen my mom lose her temper and I was afraid I was on the verge of a second moment like that. Red in face and breathing heavily my mom succeeded.

"I'm sorry." I apologized sheepishly. I was pretty sure mom was starting to look forward to the start of my hopefully last year at uni.

I didn't know what was compelling me to keep eating. Somewhere between the dessert break and the second take out snack tastes lost their appeal, blending together. I guess I really wanted to experience the bliss of being overstuffed to the point of not being able to swallow another crumb and maybe even to feel the fear of bursting apart from overindulgence. My quite clearly exhausted mother kept bringing more and more food to me, only to find it disappearing in the embodiment of black hole. I wasn't sure what was driving her either. Maybe she felt bad, that I wasn't eating to my heart's content throughout most of the summer. Or perhaps she just wanted to prove that she could make more food than I would be able to consume. Either way she seemed determined to fulfill every desire of my greedy, bottomless stomach. She tried... and she failed.

It was close to midnight and my mom looked like she was about to faint from exhaustion. Haggard with dark bags under her eyes she seemed to age a decade in a single day. "That's... that's all we have. I'm sorry, honey. I... I'll have to hire help. I failed you."

Painfully full, but almost heartbroken from being denied of the pleasure of reaching the blissful state I was longing for, I still managed to smile at my mother. "Stop it, mom! You never failed me! Thank you for everything you went through for me. Today and every other day of my life. Seriously, you're the best mom in the world! I love you." This seemed to lift her spirit a bit. "I'd love to hug you but... I can't move." I said giggling.

"Is there anything I can do for you?" She asked quietly.

"Go get some rest, I'll be fine."

Once my mom left, I grabbed my phone, dialing my favorite pizza place one last time tonight. It seemed to me that for the last couple of years I rarely did anything but eat and that I couldn't increase the calorie intake anymore. Boy was I wrong! I ate at the very least twice as much as I did on my best days at uni! I wondered how much weight can a person gain in a single month. How much weight can I gain when I lose any sort of restriction? I'm not going to fit inside my dorm room, am I?

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