"hello?" I answered.

"Y/NNNNNNNNNNNNNN!!" Her voice was so loud that I moved my phone away from my ear.

"M-Martha what happened?" I heard her crying on the other line.

"He-He *hic*br-brok-e-*hic*me*hic*up*we*broke*hic*" she keeps talking but I couldn't understand a thing.

"Where are you, I'm going there now. Send me your location" she did what I told her. Geez, this girl is troublesome.

I went to change into some comfortable clothes and fetch my things and went to her location. "What the heck is she doing in that kind of place alone?" I mumbled.

Martha is my first friend in the company. She worked at the company at the same time when I was appointed as the new President. For some reason, every time my meeting with them are over she would give me some drinks, I got accustomed to her weird actions and after that we started having a conversation as if we are already friends.

Although she's a little bit pushy sometimes but she always makes sure that everyone she accompanies are comfortable and having a good time. She is also good at judging the ability of someone and on which person is needed to be hired.

She's one of the reasons why I feel at ease when we have meeting. For some reason, she is not good at handling her relationships. The longest one she had was three months long, I guess. Well, she's just unlucky when it comes to dating, and that's the unfortunate fact about her.

I dialed her number, good thing she picked it up quickly.

"Presideeeennnttt" she's crying. Is she drunk? I sighed. "I'm here to pick you up" I said. I walked into the restaurant. "Don't hang up" I told her. "Okay~" she answered, now she's acting like a child. This is one of the famous restaurants here in our country. I heard it was famous as a dating spot as the view gives of a romantic vibe.

I went to the floor that she told me and it's not that hard to spot her. there are few people inside so I can see her immediately. I shook my head when I saw her state. I hang up the call and went to her.

"I'm sorry miss, but you seem drunk now. I suggest that you go home, or you might get in trouble later" The waiter who's convincing her to stop drinking feel concerned but she won't listen and asked for another bottle.

"What you sayin' I am not*hic* drunk~*hic* this is fun though. Those butterflies are flying in front of me wow~" she said like a child. She continues drinking.

I tap the waiters' shoulder. "Let me handle this, she's my friend" I told him and he just nodded and excuse himself.

"Martha, it's me" I called her and she looked at me. Her cheeks are bright red and her eyes are puffy. "At least drink in your house not in a public place, you are disturbing the other costumers" I told her but she just chugged down another glass of liquor.

She just stared at me then suddenly she started crying. I was surprised and I looked around and some of the costumers are staring at us. I bowed apologizing on her behalf. This woman really.

"Y/N~ He broke up with me" she cried and I facepalmed. To save myself from further embarrassment I called for the waiter and payed her bill, I picked her up and went out. As I was waiting for the elevator to open, I saw a familiar figure.

I blink my eyes but he was gone. Did I hallucinate or something? I shrugged the thought and looked at the unconscious body of my friend. I sighed.

"What if it was him? What is he doing here?" I suddenly got curious. I wanted to looked for him but I have my hands full.


I was able to put Martha's unconscious body in the passenger seat. This girl is heavy as heck, if it's not for the guards' help, we would've stumble down the floor. I was about to enter my car when I saw him again.


What is he doing here?

I was about to dial his number when a woman appeared behind him and kissed his cheek.


She kissed his cheek?

It can't possibly be? I feel myself getting mad. Is he cheating on me right now?

"No don't jump into conclusion. Let's think carefully. There must be a reason" I said. I keep telling myself to stop jumping into conclusions.

I heard Martha's voice calling my name. I should take care of Martha first. But should I really let it slide?

I looked at the spot where I saw him with that woman and they are gone.

"Why do I feel upset? It can't be help right. Of course, he will be interested in dating someone for real. Wait what if she was his real girlfriend and he was cheating on her with me. Wait what if he was" my mind is going crazy.

Still it's cruel for him to do that. What's the point of that deal then? Am I being played all along? Those words that he said, are they all lie?

"What are you doing here Y/N?" I heard a familiar voice which made me flinch on my spot.

I turned around and saw Yoongi.

"Y-Yoongi O-Oppa?" 

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