The man takes the transceiver down and clips it onto a part of his drenched suit. Then he slowly looks all around him once again. I crouch down further and my foot slips a bit sending a few breaking rocks crashing into the ocean. No doubt that he definitely heard it. I shut my eyes, preparing to be caught red handed.

"Bloody hell!" I hear a cry of anger, or was that pain?

Curiously my eyes blink open to see the man flail his arms and legs around as if he was a fish out of water. Was he hurt? He began to go further under the water than he had previously been, splashing at the water continuously to keep above. I look past him and see the waves expand from the pressure of the boat coming speedily up to the shore. They were too far away that no one had noticed the man throwing his tantrum.

Should I leave him be? He wished to harm the people of my island so I could simply let him drown; or, if he was lucky enough, he would make it. I ponder my decision while seeing him struggle for a few more long moments. The waves tackle him faster and for a second, he disappears under the waves before his head lashes out of the water for a deep gulp of air.

The tides bring in more waves, massive ones, continuously.

He rolls under once again, only this time his head does not come back up. I swallow hard and before I know it I am pulling my dress from off my body and jumping in after him. For a moment, I knew how it must have felt to be a bird; the wind coursing through my entire being. Until I hit the water.

The pressure of the fall began to cause my head to ache, my ears to ring, and my adrenaline to rush at the speed of light. I almost forget why I jumped while struggling, myself, to keep above the waves.

Where is he?

I take a deep breath and dive under the water to search for the man. Nothing. Had he already gone? I continue to search, not going too far down to avoid my death. Still nothing. Searching all around and it seemed he disappeared, whether on land or on the ocean's floor was unknown.

A large splash of water appears in front of me, tearing me from my thoughts. I dive back under, kicking my legs as fast as I could to get back to the shore. Water's strength kept holding me back, but I pushed against it.

I close my eyes for a brief second to let them rest from all the water and swimming. And just like that, I came head on head collision with someone. I jumped back, realizing it was the enemy; although he remained unconscious.

Shit, he'll die if I leave him in this condition. I grab ahold of him, pulling us up for air.

"Wake up!" I shout into his ear and shake him, trying to get a response which evidently didn't work. I then begin to do the only thing I knew to do in this situation without getting both of us killed.

I let my hand drift down to his wrist and held tight onto it to make sure he was still alive. To my relief he still was. Then, I tilt his head back against my arm and plug his nose as I was taught back at home. As a sister to someone who learned among those fighting for our country, I learned a few things in case my brother ever got severely injured. However his time he served passed without him going into any actual battles.

I inhale deeply and place my lips against the man's mouth, slowly breathing into him. However, a wave came over us before I was able to get above it, drowning us into the water. I continue giving the man my breath, even though I barely had any air left in myself under the waves.

Maybe the impossible was possible, and miracles can happen

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Maybe the impossible was possible, and miracles can happen. Somehow, I felt him grab me by my waist and press against me harder. He was ok.

He quickly started swimming up with me still in his arms and pulls us both up out from under the waves, choking and gagging up all the water still within him.

"You alright?" I question, concerned for him.

He wipes the saliva and water off his mouth and nods, "Who are you and why are you here?"

I look around quizzically and mumble-more to myself-"A simple 'thanks' would do..."

"What was that?"

"Ah, I'm Lorelei. And so you know, it was my decision and I completely understand if you must capture me or tie me up, heck, even kill me. I just couldn't stand watching someone die like that and I jumped in to help you and-" I trail off as his expression fills with puzzlement and he squints his eyes at me."

"What do you mean 'tie you up' and capture you?"

"You know..." I cross my arms around my chest nervously, "Like with ropes or chains; taking me away from my island and forcing me to tell you everything about us...That kind of thing."

"Oh..." he shakes the water out of his hair and uses his hands to move loose strands of his curly hair away from his eyes. "No. I wouldn't have to do that. I take that you are a citizen from this island then?" I nod my head up and down. "Well, Miss Lorelei, if you can promise to keep your mouth shut about anything that happened to you, or that you saw tonight, then I will make sure you don't get... 'tied up' as you mentioned."

I still felt sick to my stomach knowing that I was talking to someone who ends thousands of lives from my home island but I felt obligated to agree anyway, "Ok, I won't say a word. In fact, how about we erase this whole meeting, forget that I ever saw you almost getting drowned before a war."

He shrugs and nods slowly, "You do that, and meanwhile I'm going to take my leave to meet up with my soldiers."

He then parts from my side and swims off towards the shore. He calls out for his comrades and they notice him, running and pulling him the rest of the way out of the water.

Hopefully he won't go back on his words and not tell anyone about me. I decide to also make my way to the shore but as I move, I feel something clinging onto my ankle. At first, I thought it was some seaweed or plant that had stuck to me. Then it began to move and tighten, almost as if suffocating my leg.

I instantly try yanking it out from its grip and use my hands to push whatever it was off but it did not budge.

"Help! Someo-" I'm suddenly dragged into the water. Had I ever believed I would end up dying for an enemy, I would have never jumped in the first place. It begins crawling up my body. Its skin full of scales, leaving a trail of a slimy substance as it runs over my stomach. I continue to fight it and attack my way up, but it ties around my neck and takes the rest of the air I had.

 I continue to fight it and attack my way up, but it ties around my neck and takes the rest of the air I had

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Am I dead?

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