After class, I packed my things up, and started to walk out of class, when I dropped my earphones. I bent over to pick them up, and heard someone wolf whistle. I turned around to see what was going on and all I saw was Dylan staring at me. "That's one nice bum you have there Williams." He smirked at me. I blushed and walked off as quickly as I could. Note to self; never drop anything in front of Dylan again.

I saw Ellie at her locker with Oli. They were playing tonsil tennis. I walked over there and coughed to let them know I was standing there. "Oh hey Courtney." Oli smiled at me. "Hey Oli." I smiled back. "I'll leave you two to it then. See you later babe." Oli said to Ellie then kissed her again. They are quite cute them two. "See you Courtney." Oli said then hugged me. I was scared to hug him in front of Ellie in case she thought I was trying to steal him. "You can hug him back Hun." I heard Ellie laugh. So I hugged him back. "Bye girls." He said then walked off. "What was that about?" Ellie asked me. "Why didn't you hug him back straight away? Don't you like him?" Ellie asked with sadness in her eyes."
"No he's lovely!" I exclaimed. "I was just scared you would think I was trying to steal him!"
"Why would I think that?" Ellie laughed. "Well one of my old friends never let anyone hug her boyfriend even if they were friends with him because she was his and not theirs."
"That's ridiculous!" Ellie said. "We'll trust me, I actually have logic, so you can hug Oli whenever you want being as he's your friend." She smiled. "Hey are you going to Lukes party on Friday?" Ellie changed the subject. "A party?" My eyes widened. "I've never really been to a party before." I said embarrassed. "YOU'VE NEVER BEEN TO A PARTY?" She shouted. "Shh you're so loud!" I said whilst laughing. "Oops sorry." She laughed with me. "But seriously, you have to come! You can sleep round mine after if you want?" She asked me. "Hmm il definitely think about it." I replied. "Okay. Did you want a ride home?"
"Yeh If that's okay." I liked Ellie so I wanted to spend more time with her. I followed her to her car and she had a black range rover. "Nice car." I said. "Cheers. Dad got it for my seventeenth birthday a few months ago." Lucky. I thought. "Cool. I should be doing my driving test soon." I said.

We talked all the way home, and she put The 1975 on just for me:) I thanked her and gave her a hug, then shut the car door and walked to my front door. I walked in and saw my sister already home in front of the TV watching The Vampire Diaries.

"Hey Zo." I said to her. "Hey love." She said and paused the TV. She paused it on Damon so I was mentally dying. Ian Somerhalder is the definition of sexy.

"How was your day?" I asked her. "Good thanks. I made lots of new friends."
"That's good. We'll I'm gonna go to my room, so you carry on watching Vampire Diaries." I said to her, and walked upstairs to my room.

I took my shoes off and and laid my bag on my bed.

I walked over to my shower and got into it. Hot pellets of water hit my naked body and it was so relaxing. I loved having showers because they're my thinking space.

I was thinking about Dylan. His cute dimples when he laughed. His signature smirk. His beautiful brown eyes. The way my name rolled off his tongue. I shouldn't be thinking about him. He's the school bad boy. I can't get into the shit he does, it wouldn't be good for my reputation. But he is so damn beautiful.....

I stopped my thoughts by getting out of the shower. I grabbed my favourite fluffy towel and wrapped it around my body.

I went back into my room and put my underwear, some pyjama shorts, and a strappy t-shirt on.

I looked at my clock, it read 7:15. Wow! Was I in the shower that long? Oh my gosh Dylan was distracting me and he wasn't even in the same room as me!

I decided to shake my thoughts of him once again and looked through my school bag to find my ethics homework. I sat down at my desk and started doing my homework. I've always heard of kids who never do their homework, and that they hate it, but I actually don't mind doing it.

after I had finished my homework it was 10:10 pm. Mum must be home. I went downstairs to see mum sitting with Zoe. "Hey love." She said to me. "Hey mum." I went over to her and hugged her. "How was school? Did you make any friends?" She asked me. "Yeh. I made friends with this really sweet but loud girl named Ellie, and her boyfriend Oli, and her other two friends Josh and Alex. They're all really nice." I smiled remembering that I had really lovely friends. "Oh that's so good love, I'm really glad." Mum smiled warmly at me. "Oh yeh mum, there's going to be a party on Friday, and Ellie asked me if I wanted to go, and sleep round hers after, can I go?" I asked her sweetly, hoping she would say yes. I did kind of want to go as I'd never been to one before. I think mum would let me go, as she trusts that I won't do drugs or whatever nasty stuff kids do these days. She's quite laid back actually. Obviously she has her limits, but doesn't every mum? "A party?" Mums eyes widened. "Yeh I've never been to one before so I just thought it might be fun. It doesn't matter though if you don't want me going, I won't go." I reasoned with my mum. I'm quite close with my mum. I don't see her all the time, but she's always been there for me, and she's so understanding. So is my dad, but I never see him, as after work he usually goes out to the pub with his friends. He's got friends all over the world as he used to do a lot of travelling when he was younger, and he stayed in contact with a lot of people, so no doubt he has friends already were he works. "No love, you can go if you want, and you can stay round Ellie's, I'm happy you got invited to a party. Just don't get caught up in any bad stuff okay? I don't want to lecture you on what to do and what not to do, but you're a good girl, and you know right from wrong, so I'm sure you'll figure it out." Mum smiled at me. "Thanks mum." I kissed her cheek. "Did you want some pizza? I was going to ring up and order some for dinner?"
"Um no thanks, I'm not really hungry, I think I'm just gonna go up to bed and get some rest." I say to her. "Okay love. Well if you wake up in the middle of the night and get hungry, it will be in the fridge if you want it." She says. I love my mum. She knows that food is important. "Thanks mum. I love you. Night." I hug her. "Night Hun, love you too." She says as I walk upstairs.

I get into bed and plug my earphones in and fall asleep listening to the new bands Ellie told me to listen to. Nearly every song I listen to makes me think of Dylan. Damn! I'm thinking of him again! 'It's because he's hot😏' my subconscious mind tells me. Ugh shut up. I think as I fall asleep.

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