The Crystal of Arxia (pt 2 of 2)

Start from the beginning

I shake my head and say quietly, "No, I-I've never been in love. H-How do you know when you're i-in love?". Melog shakes his head, his mane fluffing up before he says, "Its just something you know Catra. Sometimes the feelings you feel for one isnt something that you can label under one word like love but instead multiple words. The best and most beautiful things in this world cannot be seen or even heard, but must be felt with the heart. So, answer this question; how does Adora make you feel? How does your heart feel when you're with her?". I look at him with wide eyes and say , "U-Uh, she makes me f-feel safe? And I just want to be the best version of myself when Im with her. I just want to be someone she's p-proud to be associated with".

Melog nods and fixes his fluffed up mane and says, "Then you have your answer". I look at him incredulously before something that I overheard caught my attention. "Catra is a distraction for you Adora! Can you not see that? she is dragging you down and pulling you away from greatness. Catra is selfish. She's betrayed you before what gives you the idea that she wont do it again? Please, use your head instead of your heart. Heed my words.", Shadow Weaver scolds quietly but since my hearing is superior with me being half feline and all I could hear them perfectly. "You don't know what you're talking about. You would say anything to get rid of her! Well guess what, its not going to work. I abandoned Catra once. I-", Adora pauses before continuing, "I-Im not going to do it again. You dont like it? Then too bad, suck it up butter cup".

Shadow Weaver grumbled and looked back at me and I straightened my spine and looked around like I wasn't eavesdropping on their conversation. After a while of walking in comfortable silence, we all stop and I bump into Bow. "Sorry", I say rubbing the back of my neck and he grins and says, "Its all good bro, you good? How you feeling?". I shrug and say, "Everything's good, Im doing alright all thingd consid-". I was interrupted by Shadow Weaver's yelp, "No! Adora wait!". I whirl around, my eyes widening as everything felt as though everything was in slow-motion.

I felt my stomach physically drop as Adora stepped forward and was engulfed in a circle of flames. I gasp and yell, "Adora!", before running past Bow and Glimmer, nudging Netossa out of the way and, pushing Shadow Weaver and Frosta out of the way. I jumped into the flames and wrapped my arms around her torso and waist Adora, obviously taking her by surprise because she tensed in my embrace. I pulled her close to me and jumped out of the flames, cradling her head to my chest as we hit the ground. "Im ok, im ok", Adora says comfortingly as she lays her head against the ground. I was panting, my chest burning with worry as I looked into my favorite pair of eyes.

"Im alright Catra", Adora says with a small smile. I nod and offer her a small half-smile before her lips up-turn into a cheeky smirk and she asks sultrily, "Did you just jump into a fire for me?". My eyes widen and I flick her nose and say, "N-No!". Adora giggles and says, "You did!". I growl and shove my hand in her face and say in fake annoyance, "N-No I didn't! S-Shut up!". I get off of her and offer her a hand up, which she takes as she giggles and snorts. I pull her up and steady her, wrapping an arm around her waist and saying nonchalantly, "Its whatever, dont make such a big deal out of it".

Shadow Weaver clears her throats and says, "We have to keep going". I nod and pinch Adora's butt to make her stop laughing only for her to yelp quietly and look at me funnily. I roll my eyes and say as sternly as I can, "Focus". Adora nods and her eyes harden in determination. I smile softly before wiping it off my face and hardening my expression.


We walked into a room with a blinding blue light. "We're here", Castaspella says with a small gasp. Shadow Weaver nods and says, "indeed we are now, we need Adora to come forth and-", I picked up footsteps and I covered Shadow Weaver's mouth making her shove me off of her and scold, "Who do you think you are? Do not touch m-". Before she could finish her thought the wall behind us opened and a burst of fire came flying toward us, I grabbed Shadow Weaver and Castaspella and crouched down before looking over to where the blast came from to see 4 sorcerers, all chipped approaching us.

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