My Birthday Beginning

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That is not how your face should look like at your very own birthday party. I mean seriously, aren't birthdays supposed to be all happy-rainbows-unicorns-funtime?
Well, not for me. This is my birthday story, and let me tell you now, it doesn't have a happy-rainbow-unicorn-funtime ending.
It all started when I woke up out of bed...or fell out. My annoying 5 year old little brother smushed the alarm clock in my ear to peacefully wake me up. Screaming, I tumbled out of bed...and into the pool. Yes, yes, this may seem a bit strange to you, but my whole family are a bunch of pranksters and they tend to take it too far.
My older 17 year old brother had pulled my bed up by the window and left it open knowing I would fall out. So I took a little morning splash in my pjs. Freezing cold, and in a towel, I walked up to the bathroom we all had to share! Only to realize that the pool water didn't wash off the unibrow, mustache, and beard my brothers drew on my face at night with a permanent Sharpie marker.
Ok, so my youngest bro isn't as annoying, but he's disgusting! When I walked downstairs in my new party dress, he pushed the blender button without a top on. Spaghetti, pudding, orange juice, eggs, and who knows what else splatters all over me and my beautiful new dress. "I made you a special birthday breakfast, sissy!" said my youngest brother in his cute, squeaky voice.
"Aw, thanks, but I'm pretty full already." I faked a smile and turned back to the bathroom.
In the shower, the boys replaced the shampoo with a mix of gum and their own saliva. That was definitely not going to come out any time soon. Frustrated, I went to brush my teeth even though I hadn't eaten anything. I know I should've seen this coming, but I was too frustrated to think about anything else. The boys had also replaced my toothpaste with dog poop. It was mushy, squishy, and very very smelly. Not to mention that they had put green food coloring inside so now my teeth were green!!! I just couldn't handle it anymore.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2014 ⏰

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