Knock knock knock… I got up to answer the door and there was a guardian I didn’t know at the door.  I instantly looked around to see if there was anyone else around and the guardian noticed how uncomfortable I was so he tried to calm me down.

“Hello Princess Vasilisa my name is Guardian Davis.  Guardian Hathaway asked me to deliver this letter to you when I was done with my shift at the front gate.”  Guardian Davis handed the letter to Lissa and she was confused.  Why would Rose have him give this to me?  Why wouldn’t she just give it to me herself? 

“Thank you Guardian Davis.”  She thanked him and shut the door.  Lissa looked at the envelope and started to feel uneasy.  She felt guilty for getting mad at her earlier.  She knew that Rose loved Dimitri and thought that she could help him.  She made it sound like everything was Rose’s fault but it wasn’t.  If she were in Rose’s shoes she would have done the same thing.  She opened the envelope and pulled out a folded piece of paper and another envelope with Dimitri’s name written on it.  On no this can’t be good.

Dear Lissa,

I need you to know that I have loved you like you were my sister from the moment we meet in Kindergarten.  We have been through so much together and I will never forget you or our time together.  You have to know that leaving you was one of the hardest things I have ever had to do.  You had a point earlier.  It was all my fault.  I realize now that I am not good for you or Dimitri.  Your lives will be better off without me.  I honestly believe that.  You need a guardian that will always put you first and will not be distracted by the man she loves, the man who never really loved her to begin with.  It will hurt too much for me to stay there.  I can’t face seeing him every day knowing that he just used me.  Knowing that he cannot stand me because I am nothing but a bloodwhore.  Hans will assign you a new guardian as soon as you tell him I left.  Please take care of yourself and do not do anything dangerous.  Do not come looking for me because I promise you will not find me.  I have given you a letter for Dimitri and I will leave it up to you to decide if he should get it.  I do not want to be the reason, again, for him to not get better.  My last request is that you do not feel guilty about this.  I needed to hear the truth and I am not mad at you.  I could never be mad at you.

I will always love you my sister,


Tears were streaming down my face when Christian walked it.  He was instantly by my side worried.  He asked me what happened and I couldn’t even tell him because I was crying so hard.   I just handed him the letter.  He read it and there was a mix of emotions on his face.

“What does she mean it is all her fault?”  Christian asked me.  How was I going to tell him that I was such a bitch to my best friend, that she came to me in need and I yelled at her.  How am I going to tell him that it is my fault she is gone.  Christian did not like to show it but he cared for Rose a lot.  They formed a unique bond when she had to guard him at St Vlad’s and then when they fought together when the school was attacked.  Neither of them would ever admit it but they loved each other in a sibling kind of way.  Christian looked at me waiting for me to answer.

“Oh this is my fault.  She went to Dimitri earlier and he hurt her.  He hurt her real bad and she came to me for comfort and what do I do?  I yell at her and tell her it’s her fault.  What have I done Christian?”

He just held me until I stopped crying.  I felt so numb and I desperately wished our bond went both ways. 

Rose, I thought, if you are there I am so sorry.  It is not your fault I was wrong to get upset with you.  Please please come back to us.

“Rose are you okay?” Adrian asked me as I snapped out of Lissa’s head.  I didn’t realize that there were tears running down my cheeks until Adrian wiped them away with his thumb. 

“Yeah I was just in Lissa’s head.  She got my letter and she is pretty upset.”  I explained then I took out my phone to send a text to Lissa.

R: you have nothing to be sorry about, this is NOT your fault and I am sorry but I cannot come back.  I love you and we will keep in touch.  I love you.

L: I am so sorry Rose

After I received her text I shut my phone off.  We arrived at the airport and once we cleared security, with a little help from Adrian who had to use compulsion to get my steak through the security check point, we found our gate.  We did not have to wait very long to board the plane and once we did I asked Adrian if he could compel me to go to sleep so I could avoid the horrible headache I was bound to get once the plane took off.  He kissed my lips and did what I asked

A Broken RoseWhere stories live. Discover now