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I angrily kicked a pebble down the street while muttering profanities under my breath. The summer sun was beating down on my neck causing a trail of sweat to fall from my forehead.

They could've sent my mom anywhere for work, but I got stuck in boring Tulsa, Oklahoma.

"Its not that bad!" She said.
"You'll see once you make some friends!" She said.

I would stay friendless the rest of my high school career just to spite her.

I turned the corner to spot my destination, the DX. Sent to buy cigarettes for my mother in hopes that the fresh air would do me 'good'.

The cool air of the AC hit me in the face as I opened the door to the small gas station.

I moved around a group of teenage boys by the counter to grab an RC cola and then awkwardly stood behind them, waiting for my turn at the counter.

"Would y'all get outta here!" One of the employees yelled. "This girl has been waiting behind y'all forever!"

The boys began to disperse with soft laughs and smirks, but one stayed in place. He held a wide smile and sideburns on his face, sporting a Mickey Mouse T-Shirt.

"Well, hey, pretty girl." He laughed, looking me down. "You new? I ain't seen you around these parts before."

"Yeah, I'm new," I muttered, rolling my eyes. I moved around him.and placed my cola on the counter. "Can I get some cigarettes? I don't care what kind."

"You a Soc?" He asked, looking at me carefully.

"What's a soc?" My eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

"Here, I'll make it easier. You live on the Southside or the North?"

"North, I'm pretty sure. It's only a 10 minute walk for me to get here."

"Thank goodness! You wouldn't wanna hang out with those idiot socs anyways." He laughed loudly as he slung an arm around my shoulder. "I'm Two-Bit, baby."

"Two-Bit?" There is no way that's his real name.

"Don't ask." One the DX employees interrupted before I could open my mouth again.

"Shut up, Steve." Two-Bits gaze didn't leave me as he spoke the insult to his friend.

"You gonna let me walk you back home or what?"

"I didn't know you offered?" I rose an eyebrow. I couldn't help but smile back at the boy as his joy was almost contagious.

"Well, I thought it was obvious. I've gotta teach you the ways of our crappy little town and on the way you will get to see how amazing we would be together." He held his arm out for me to grab, which I was hesitant about.

He could ruin my plan to be hateful and miserable during my stay here.

"Okay, but no promises on that realization." I carefully placed my hand around his bicep. "I plan on being so miserable here that my mother agrees to move back home."

"Well, what better way to do that than with a boy that's a bad influence on you and your mother hates?!"

As I processed what he said I realized, that could actually work. With that plan I would also get to have some fun.

"Hey, you're pretty smart," before I could finish my sentence the group of boys started laughing.

"Ignore them. Let's get outta here and we can talk about ways to make your mom mad."

As we left the gas station, him already making 'plans' for us to use, I could tell this would be much better than my original plan.

Now just to make sure I don't fall in love with him.

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