First Day of school

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Mike's POV

*Beep* Beep*. "Uhhhhhh," i groaned. It's 6:45. Too dam (sorry I had to) early to go to school. Well at least I get to see Ben and Zoe. Well I'ma go get dressed.

Time skip to breakfast

"Hay mom. What's for breakfast?"

"Toast and bacon," my mom answers.

"Kay." My favorite. Oh shit Ben's here.

"Coming," I called.

"Hey man," Ben said.

"Sup," I said.

"Ready for sophomore year?" I asked him.

"Yeah you."

"Kinda but not really."

"You gonna play football again?" He asked.

"Yeah. Did you try out for baseball yesterday?" I asked.

"Yeah. I struck the best two batters in the state. That was really cool." After he said that we just talked about random things. Before we were on school grounds I could already hear the girls. You see me and Ben are really popular and we each have our own fan club things. Cause the girls think we look hot. Ben has sandy brown hair and I have golden blond hair. He has green eyes and I have hazel eyes.

I kid you not before we were two feet on school grounds three people asked us out. We said no to all them. We got our schedules and walked to home room. Luckily me, Ben, and Zoe have the same home room.

"Alright class my name is Mrs. Canary. I will teach you history. But today since it's our first day we're gonna introduce ourselves. When I call on you I want you to say your name and your hobbies. So Ben your first."

"Hi my name is Benjamin Ripley, but my friends call me Ben. Ummmm... I play baseball for the legends and we won the championship. I also play the guitar and can sing. Sooooo yeah."

"Mike your next."

"Hi my name is Mike I play football and can play the banjo."

"Next is Ashley...." after that I zoned out.

"Well that concludes class today," said Mrs. Canary. Then I went to gym with Ben.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01, 2020 ⏰

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