Welcome-Part Three

Start from the beginning

He, in fact, could not.

Once he was allowed to walk, Will quickly rushed over the crosswalk. He barely took two steps, before honking blasted into his ear. He spun around, and his heart skipped a beat, when a limo came zooming towards him. Will froze in fear, and shut his eyes, waiting for the crash.

Except, it never came.

"Are you okay, dude?"

Shaking, Will peeled his eyes open, and turned to the one whom had spoken. Peaking his head out of the limo, was a chubby man with a top hat. Will regarded him curiously. This man looked unspeakably friendly, from the bright eyes, to the fuzz on his chin, and the gopher teeth.

"Yeah, I think so," Will replied.

"Oh, that's a relief," He said, stepping out of the car.

Will stared. As if the man couldn't look anymore goofier. Once he stepped out of the vehicle, it was revealed that he was wearing a bright yellow vest, a pair of goggles that wrapped around his neck, and loose black jeans around his stubby legs. Also, there were two objects tied to his belt. One was an umbrella, the other looked like a comically large key.

"Sorry about that, dude," The man said, sheepishly. "My driver isn't the best..."

A skinny man with a cap peeked his head out of the driver's seat window. "I'm Tyler, by the way!"

"Tyler never had experiences with limos."

"But, I did ride a unicycle once!" Tyler beamed. "I have the scars to prove it!"

"It's alright, no harm done," Will reassured them.

"But, there's gotta be something I can make it up to you," The chubby man insisted. "Name your price, it'll be easy, I am the mayor of this town, after all."

Will looked at him incredulously. "You're the mayor?"

He nodded in return. "The name's Soos: mayor of Zero Gravity Town. I can see, you're new around here?"

"Yes, I am," Will admitted. "My brother and I just moved here. I hope that's alright."

Soos clapped him playfully on the back. "Of course! Everyone is welcome here. I'm happy to make you and brother citizens of this town."

"Wow, that's really generous of you."

"Don't sweat it," Soos replied. "You guys couldn't ask for a safer place. This town, and all it's inhabitants, have been protected for centuries."

"Protected by who?" Will asked.

The man grew silent, and rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly. "It's a bit hard to explain...it'll be better if you find out for yourself."

The blue haired boy gave him a puzzled look, unsure of what he meant.

"So, any requests?" Soos asked.

Will was about to decline the offer, but then a thought dawned on him. "Can you give me directions? I'm trying to find a job--"

"Boom!" Soos exclaimed, pulling some folded paper out of his vest. "Here's a map for you, little dude."

"Uh, thank you," He responded, as he was handed the map. "Did you carry this map in your shirt the whole time?"

He nodded. "I carry loads of maps, in case I run into lost tourists. I use to carry acorns so I could feed some squirrels...that sorta backfired, don't ask."

Will didn't think he wanted to know.

"Anyway," Soos started, smiling. "In case you need anything else, you can always turn to me."

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