The elevator made a "ding!" Sound before opening the doors. The pair walked to the front desk, Yonghee leading the way. 

        When they arrived, Namjoon saw 4 men in black suits, one in particular wearing a blue one, this male was very short compared to Namjoon, they had cotton candy pink hair, making their features stand out.

You can say Namjoon spent a while observing this male, hoping that he's the one who'll he'll spend the night with.

"Kim Namjoon! The world known Hip Hop god, how are you doing?" Namjoon raised a brow at the man, he was one of the black suited men but a little bit older with much more wrinkles surrounding his eyes and forehead. "I'm doing just fine , now lets get to business in the meeting room, shall we?" Namjoon leaded the group into the long room, the width being an average size with a long table almost as long as the room in the center. There was a TV screen at the front of the room and dozens of chairs surrounding the table, nothing else was there besides a large chandelier in the middle.

All the men sat next to each other at the front of the table, Namjoon sitting at the very end in a slightly bigger chair. The tall male kept eyeing the short one, before the shorter sent a wink making the other painted in a dark red.

There was a long silence until the boss spoke up, getting out of his love trance. "What kind of commercial are we filming?" The oldest one of the men looked at the pink haired boy, commanding him to speak up.

"We want you to commercial a product of ours." The boss tried not to adore the boys soothing voice and ignored it instead, "what kind of product?" The shorter hesitated to say his next sentence, Although the rapper found it weird, he chose to ignore it. "A car, it runs nicely and has extraordinary Interior" The taller raised a brow at the information.

"I forgot to ask. Who exactly are you and what company are you under?" Before the pink haired man could reply, one of the men in the black suit answered instead, "We are under a car company called Jeek, It's a surprise you don't know us, we sell one of the most used cars." Namjoon recognized these people after the given information , he also remembered what the news always say about this company. "One of the cars that has also taken the most lives." Namjoon spat out, giving glares to each of them, but when he tried to give it to the pink haired male, the other smirked which led him to hanging his head down low instead, making the other chuckle at the pathetic action.

"Yes..but we have made this particular car safe and better, you can give it a test run if you prefer, we drove it here when we came" one of the black suit men said, and Namjoon scanned his face to see a tint of guilt or shame, but he couldn't, so he trusted them.

"Not needed, can we get this commercial done today? I have a packed schedule tomorrow." All the men looked at each other, debating about this, except the attractive man who seems to dominate the other so easily by just a wink or a stare.

"Yes, I guess we can do that. Now let's get going, the cars are outside." Namjoon nodded and the group of people walked to the cars, Yonghee trailing behind his boss, telling the employee at the front desk that they'll be out for a while. Although he didn't have a word in this conversation, he could tell these men were lying about something but he couldn't get his finger on it.

They divided into groups and 3 of the black suited men took a separate car from the others, leaving the short male, Namjoon, and Yonghee in the same car with some other black suited man who was driving to the destination of the shooting.

The shortest and tallest ended up in the back of the car, while Yonghee sat in the middle of the car, on the right seat.

Every now and then the pink haired male would rest his hand onto the tallers thigh, make the other wiggle in his seat when he would give it a squeeze every 10 seconds.

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