"Butters, what are you doing?" I sighed, exasperated.

His confident expression melted into a sheepish smile as he spoke, "W-walking you home." He blushed.

I huffed out a laugh and shook my head. "You're really not gonna give up on this whole being friends thing, are you?"


"...Fine, let's go."

The two of us walked side by side down the street, it was still just as cold as it was when I left this morning. I tugged the collar of my sweater up to my chin and wrapped my arms around myself to keep warm.

I watched as snow began to fall around me. As cold as it was I couldn't deny that it was pretty. I didn't get to see nearly as much snow down in (Hometown), the closest thing was a bit of hail that melted within the hour.

Butters tilted his head up to the sky and stuck his tongue out to catch a few snowflakes. I giggled at his childishness and watched him try to catch as many snowflakes as he could.

Butters was so focused on it that he wasn't really watching where he was going and bumped into me multiple times. I rolled my eyes as his arm grazed mine for about the fifth time and gently shoved him away.

I burst into laughter when he slipped on a patch of ice and fell onto a pile of snow.

"Hey!" He pouted.

I tried to help him up but found it difficult with how hard I was still laughing. Butters grabbed my hand and pulled me down on the pile with him.

"Really?" I chuckled.

He stuck his tongue out at me teasingly. I grabbed a chunk of snow from the pile and dropped it on his face. Butters squealed in shock and quickly sat up wiping the frozen ice from his face. I pulled myself up off the pile still trying to contain my giggling, Butters followed soon after.

We continued walking for a few more minutes until we reached a disgustingly bright pink house on the corner.

"This is it." I said as I stopped in front of the house.

"W-well, alright then. I guess I'll, uh, see you tommorow?" Butters muttered.

Such a cutie.

"Yeah, see you tomorrow." I ruffled his hair.

Butters smiled fondly and walked down the street to his own house.

I waved him off as he left before stepping inside my aunt, Hana's house. The furniture inside was just as sickeningly pink as the outside and smelled like overly sweet perfume.

I tiptoed from the front door to the stairs, hoping to get to my room without Hana detecting me.

I slowly made my way up the steps, I was about halfway up when the stairs creaked underneath the weight of my foot.

Loud barking sounded from the kitchen and Hana's puppy, Princess, came rushing over to me. I tried to shush the little ball of fur but it only seemed to rile her up more.

"No, no, no, no! Princess, hush!" I tried. "Shut up, you mangy little--"

"(Y/n)." Hana called from the kitchen. She did not sound happy. "Come in here, please."

I groaned and begrudgingly trudged back down the stairs. Princess scampered off to the backyard, still barking and bouncing playfully.

Little shit.

"Yes." I sighed as I entered the kitchen.

Aunt Hana stood beside the kitchen's island in a stained cooking apron. She was a tall, slender woman with long dark brown hair and hazel eyes. She held a sharp vegetable in one hand and a half of a cucumber in the other. She narrowed her eyes at me in disappointment while tapping her foot against the tile floor.

"What time is it?" She asked.

"Hana, I-"

"Ah, ah, ah." She tsked. "Time?"

"Three twelve." I answered after a glance at the time on the stove.

"And what time did I ask you to come home today?"

"...Two thirty."

"Exactly," she nodded and set down the items in her hands. Hana stepped closer to me with her hands resting on her hips and frowned. I stood my ground, refusing to back away but kept my head down. "So then why are you here over thirty minutes late when your school is just down the street?"

"None of your business." I grumbled.

"(Y/n), we are not going to start this, right now." She glared down at me. "Tell me where you were."



"At school, alright? I had some stuff to take care of. Like I said, it's none of your business." I snapped. I tried to walk away but Hana grabbed me by the arm and pulled me back to her.

I glared up at her and she gasped when she saw my face. The swelling on my cheek had gone down but it was still noticeably red and the cut on my lip was slightly purple.

"What happened?!" Hana growled.

"It's nothing, I'm fine." I mumbled.

"(Y/n), this is not nothing. I swear if you've gone and started another fight, I'll--"

"You'll what? Call my mother?" I chuckled bitterly. "Good luck with that, she disconnected her number."

Hana sighed and shook her head. "(Y/n), you're supposed to be here to make a fresh start, to better yourself."

"Yeah, that's gonna happen." I folded my arms over my chest and rolled my eyes. "We both know I'm only here because mom just couldn't stand to look at me anymore. Which is fine by me but don't try and make this some coming of age bullshit."


"Look, I'm sorry for coming home late, alright? It won't happen again, can I go now?"

Hana stared at me for a long moment, her eyes boring into mine. She looked like she wanted to say more but fought against it and nodded.


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