“Well look whose awake.” He chuckled, making is way over to me. He ripped the tape of my mouth, causing me to cringe at the pain.

“What the hell do you want Mitch?!” I spat out at him. He turned around and walked up to me.

“Listen here Blondie, you have 2 seconds to tell me where Jess went, or Nialler gets it.” He said, pulling a knife out from his back pocket. He twirled it around for a few seconds, but I wouldn't budge No matter what I did someone would end up getting hurt in the end. “Not gonna talk, are we?” he said, as a smile crept across his face. He pulled out a phone and walked up to me. “You call Niall, and you tell him that you never want to see him again. You break his heart, or I will break you and Jessica. Do you understand? And NO funny business” He said, motioning for me to grab the phone. I had no choice but to do so. I couldn't risk Jessica and her family being hurt. I wouldn't be able to live with my self if that happened, so I grabbed the phone and dialed Niall.The phone rang a few times, but he soon answered.

“Hi, um Niall?” my voice cracked, I was on the verge of tears.

“Bekah?!? where are you? And why aren't you calling on your phone?” He quickly asked.

“Yeah its me..umm Niall I have something to say.” I said shaking in my seat. “I think we need to take a break... Ive just been so busy lately, and..um..i...” he cut me off.

“Bekah, what are you talking about?!” he said, and I could tell he was starting to choke up. Mitch reached over and shut the phone. I really hope that i'm doing the right thing.

“I'll let you go, but i'm warning you, if you tell anyone about this, I will make sure you never see him again.” He said while untying my legs. As soon as I was free I lifted my leg quick, kicking him right where it counted. He fell to his knees groaning, as I ran up the stairs. I was a few short feet from the door, when he grabbed my leg, pulling me to the ground. He flipped me onto my back, holding my arms down as he reached into his back pocket. I knew exactly what was coming to me. He pulled out his knife and rested it up against my throat and I could feel the blood start start to flow down my neck. Just a second later my eyes started to blur and I was slowly falling into unconsciousness. What have I gotten myself into?

Niall's POV

I had been sat up in our....i mean my room, which had seamed like the whole day. I had no idea what to make of what had happened, this had all occurred out of no where, and I needed answers. I wasn't sure if I did something wrong, or if it had to do with Jess leaving, but I wanted to get to the bottom of this.

All night I kept calling the number she used to called me on, but eventually it was disconnected. I tried her phone for hours, but nothing worked. Just the thought of not being with her, or hearing her voice everyday killed me. I have nobody. All the boys and my family were in Europe, and, of course Bekah's gone, I had no clue as to where she was. Everything that had happened today caused me to start getting depressed. I went down to the kitchen and grabbed the strongest liquor I could find, and I just downed it, hoping to wash away all the pain. I eventually passed out on the couch to the soothing tune of 'Drunk' by Ed Sheeran in the background, it seemed like the closest song that I could relate to.

I woke up late the next day with a throbbing headache. I knew there'd be consequences for drinking the whole bottle. In the back of my mind the thought of trying to find Bekah kept coming across, but I always tried to stay away from it. I know that I probably should give her some space. I'm in no way giving up on her, I will eventually try to find her someday, and when that time comes I need to tell her just how much I love her.

Bekah's POV

My eyes started to lightly flicker open. Yet again, I was awoken to a dark, cold room. My throat was swollen, and throbbing, I lifted my arm to touch it to see how much damaged he'd done. There was a long cut down the left side of my neck, where a scab was starting to form. I looked down at the ground, and there was a rag covered in blood. So It was obvious that he didn't want me dead, he just needed a quick solution to shut me up. A few tears escaped my eyes, all I wanted right now was to be in Niall's arms, cuddled up to him at our house. I started to think up some ideas on how to get out of here, but right as I wiped my eyes, there it was, just lying on the floor my a chair. It was Mitch's phone..He must've dropped it while he was bringing me into here. I quietly reached over and dialed in Niall's number. I started to shake, thinking of the slim chance that Mitch would catch me. On the third ring he picked up.

“Hello? Who's this?” He asked, in a somewhat annoyed tone. Ive never been so happy to hear his voice before.

“Niall, its Bekah” I whispered as quiet as I could into the phone. “You need to listen to me. Mitch took me, i'm not sure of the address of where we are, but he has a Black suburban, and I think Jess told me one time that he lives by nando's..” I abruptly stopped talking. There were loud footsteps right above me, and it sounded like they were heading for the doorway. “Niall please hurry!” I whisper/yelled into the phone and shut it , sliding it quietly to where it was before I was awake.

The door creaked as it slowly opened. I pretended to still be unconscious as he walked up to me, kicking at my side to see if I was awake. In that quick moment I reached over and grabbed his leg, pulling him to the ground. He let out a big groan as he held his arm. I stood up and kicked him in the side, making sure he couldn't get up and hurt me again. Adrenaline over took my body and I sprinted up the stairs to find the door. I heard quick footsteps behind me, I started to hyperventilate but kept running. I saw the door and ran to it. I flew out into the frigid cold weather, but it didn't matter to me, I just kept running. I quickly whipped around to see if he was anywhere behind me. He was.. running quickly behind and hidden in his hand was his weapon. I turned back around and continued running. Right before I could reach the local store I fell to the ground. Oh no. I had ran out of breath and lost consciousness yet again. I could still hear and feel what was going on, I just couldn't speak or move. I felt myself quickly being lifted up to the ground and I was thrown into a car that sped off. I felt like my life was over, Mitch had caught me again, and there was nothing I would do to stop him. He was going to take me, then get Jess and Harry. But right before I could think of anything else and familiar voice took over.... “Niall?”


Well here you go! Chapter 22 ! :) sorry for the long wait! Ill only upload more often if I get more comments and votes though! I wanna know what you guys think of it so plleeasseeee read, comment, and vote! :) <3 -Bailey

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