"Technician tells me it is." Bob replied. "So whoever entered had access to code."

"Or they forced someone to enter it." Antonio suggested.

"Yeah, or that." Bob agreed.

"Hey, you get a ping on the father's phone or GPS?" Hank inquired, getting a blank look in response. "Got a location?"

"I'm just the responding officer." Bob sassed.

"So that's a no?" Hank questioned.

"Wow. They don't call it Intelligence for nothing, huh?" Bob snarked.

Seeing the rage wash over Hank's face, Adam walks over and puts a hand on his father's shoulder.

"Pops, come here." He urged, guiding him into another room.

Everyone else splits off, looking for anything that could be of use to them. The two Sergeants and their best friend remain in the same room, looking it over.

Ana rubs her forearm, now realizing how hard Bob had grabbed her due to how fast she was walking. She pulls her jacket sleeve up a bit, seeing a bruise beginning to form. Ana sighs, covering it once more, while simultaneously waving off Hank and Alvin's concerned glances. No point in pissing them off when Bob might actually be needed.

"Yo, I got something!" Kevin called out.

Following the sound of his voice, everyone ends up regrouping in the laundry room.

"Yeah, what is it?" Hank wondered.

"We got blood on the floor." Kevin informed.

He shined his flashlight on the carpet before moving to the washing machine. The light reveals a bloody handprint decorating the side of it.

"And we got this. How old did they say the boy was?" Kevin inquired.

"Eight." Ana sighed.

"Patrol's got eyes on the dad's car." Antonio informed.

"All right, go tell everyone the boy is injured, so we gotta move." Hank ordered.

*Location of the Father's Car*

An SUV drives down the street and parks behind the black car. Hank, Ana, and Alvin pop out as another car pulls up behind them.

"Assume Denton's armed." Hank radioed.

"But keep in mind, there could be a child in there." Ana added.

"Copy." Antonio replied, getting out of the other car alongside Jay and Kevin.

Everyone cautiously approaches Wes' car with their guns raised. They stop by the trunk while Alvin makes his way to the driver's seat.

"Clear!" He yelled, seeing nothing.

"Hold up." Jay called, looking through one of the windows.

He keeps his gun aimed at the back seat as Alvin walks over. On it, is a white tarp covering something child-sized.

"All right, hit it." Hank ordered.

Alvin pulls out his baton, making a downwards flicking motion to extend it. He then takes Jay's position and smashes the window open. Alvin reaches through and unlocks the door, pulling it open. He removed the tarp, revealing some clothes and a pair of shoes.

Antonio pops the trunk open and more supplies are found in there as well.

"You leaving town?" Ana muttered to herself.

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