47. New Year's Bash

Start from the beginning

Leah pulls away from Taehyung, her cheeks burning. She stands on her toes and pecks his lips before escaping into the bathroom and locking the door. Her heart was beating fast. How could he say such things to her and expect she'd be alright?

She steps out of her gown and sets the shower running. She welcomes the warm water and reaches for her soap. However, she spots Taehyung's bathing gel and decides to use it instead.

She squirts the gel on her palm and lifts it up to her nose. It smelled of Taehyung. She quickly takes a bath and changes into night clothes. She brushes her teeth and finally comes out of the bathroom.

She finds Taehyung lying on the bed in his pajamas, scrolling through his phone.

Leah: You showered?

Taehyung: Yup. I went to Jungkookie's room. He was fast asleep and didn't even notice me.

Leah nods and proceeds to take a pillow as well as a blanket from Taehyung's bed.

Taehyung: Where are you going?

Leah: Ah, well...I...uhm...am going to sleep on the couch.

Taehyung sighs and gets up slowly. He walks up to the door and locks it, much to her surprise.

Leah: What are you doing?

Taehyung: Not letting you escape!

Leah: Taehyung what if the others find us here together and misinterpret the situation?

Taehyung: What situation? I want to sleep with you.

Leah feels her face heat up at his words. She throws her pillow at him which he manages to catch in the nick of time, grinning from ear to ear. She walks to the door and lifts her hand to unlock it. However, Taehyung grabs her shoulder and turns her around. He then pushes her towards the bed gently despite her protests and forces her to sit down.

Taehyung: I want to talk to you Leah. I know we have resolved our conflicts but I still need to know why you thought Kim Ji Woo was blackmailing you. What is all this issue of blackmail in the first place? And why didn't you tell me sooner?

Leah watches Taehyung's face. She could see that he was yearning for an explanation but she didn't know if she could get it in herself to tell him the truth. She looks away from him while fidgeting nervously.

Leah: The thing is-

She feels Taehyung take her hands in his. His warm touch was reassuring but her heart feared his reaction to what she was about to say. As though sensing her fear, Taehyung rubs her hands softly.

Taehyung: Don't be afraid. Whatever it is, I'm sure we can work it out. Trust me.

Leah sighs and looks up at him. She takes a deep breath and sits up straight.

Leah: From the past few days, I've been receiving texts and phone calls saying that they're planning to expose your relationship with me.

Leah watches Taehyung intently. He seemed taken aback but manages to keep his expressions in check while just quirking his eyebrow. She continues to explain slowly.

Leah: At first, I thought it wasn't something serious. But then the calls and messages became very frequent until...

Taehyung: Until?

Leah leans over to the adjoining chair and reaches for her phone.

Leah: Until they sent me this.

She shows Taehyung the picture of them taken at the MnM store. Taehyung takes the phone from her and scrutinizes the image closely.

Leah: Who do you think is behind this? I for one can't stop thinking that it is Kim Ji Woo. Only she has access to the photos. I know it may sound very-

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