Chapter 44 • Bathtub Brats

Start from the beginning

"You're doing great, Sephy. Take you're time and don't forget to breath." Namjoon quietly encouraged, warm eyes watching as the two youngest scooted a bit closer for comfort.
Even though Sephy was the one in lead between the two, they switched those roles effortlessly when the kitten was scared. Jungkook's sweet voice whispering words of reassurance so that she would calm down.

Once Sephy had sat down, she brought her focus back to Jimin-shi in her hands, reminding herself that she should relax her muscles and focus on those around her. All was okay.

"You know, you might grow a bit taller if you stay in the water, Sephy. It helps plants grow, so it might help you as well. Maybe you'll finally be able to reach your feet to the floor when sitting on a chair," Taehyung teasingly offered, his mischievous mood taking the upper hand.

An amused laugh left Jungkook's lips, sparkling eyes glancing down at Sephy's unamused face as he joined in with the teasing, "Yeah, and if you stay long enough you might become stronger so that you can win our little wrestling matches, though you'll need to grow a lot if you want that to happen."

As the two giggled at their own joking about Sephy's height, the kitten raised one eyebrow, the softness melting away for a second as she stared the two down, "Funny, because I remember having you two whimpering my name when we marked each other."

The two immediately stopped their laughter, flustered eyes watching Sephy's challenging demeanor as she calmly observed the two, "I don't need to grow in order to top you two. One snap of the fingers and I have you lying on your back for me. Or did you want to tell me otherwise, because I'm all ears?"

Taehyung gulped at Sephy's low tone, body shivering as the kitten managed to emit a certain dominance that had even Namjoon smirking in respect. Jungkook's ears tinted pink, big doe eyes darting around the room as he shifted in the tub, "N-no, uhm, s-sorry."

"That's what I thought." Sephy held back the smugness she was feeling. The boys were truly too adorable getting all flustered like that and she didn't even do a lot.
Moving her pleased eyes to glance at Hoseok who was slightly surprised by the sudden shift in air, the kitten patiently waited until the man went back to helping them take their bath.

"R-right, uhm, let's wash your hair! The sooner we're finished, the sooner we can gather outside. I'm excited about the bonfire, what about you?" Hoseok changed the topic into something more family-friendly, hoping that tonight's plans would be a good lure.

"I can't wait! Jiminie told me about marshmallows and how nice they taste! He said we would get to try them!" Taehyung took the bait, happily rambling about the snack he was so curious to try. A fluffy warm sweet that would be even softer than Sephy's chubby cheeks; it sounded like heaven to the red panda.

"Can we make s'mores?" Jungkook flared up at the thought, glancing at his two hyungs in question.

"Of course we can. I believe Yoongi-hyung bought extra chocolate and biscuits because he knows how much you like s'mores." Namjoon informed, crouching down in front of the bathtub to help Taehyung wash his hair while Hoseok helped Sephy. They mostly let the younger two do it themselves, but some guidance was needed here and there.

"Okay, let's get it!" Jungkook happily chanted, hurrying to wash his hair so that he could eat the snack sooner. He would need to thank Yoongi-hyung later for thinking of him when doing the groceries. Though the panther would probably get embarrassed and play it off as nothing, he was still very thoughtful.

While Hoseok finished up shampooing Sephy's hair, Namjoon turned around to dry his hands on a random towel so that he could open one of the bottles. What he hadn't realized however, was that he had left the shower head in the hands of a troublemaker.
Taehyung chuckled in mischief, hands hurriedly opening the tap and waiting for the perfect moment to point the shower head at the clueless wolf.

Bubble Baths and Glaring Eyes • BTS hybrid FFWhere stories live. Discover now