We had been flying for 30 minutes.

I was so happy to say i was finally on my way to harlem to take action in name of chyna.

But i didn't forget about what tucci did behind my back and i was also willing to take revenge for that.

Digging my cousins grave? Just to see if the lost money of the 5 gangs was there... was a type of low life move

Also disrespectful since he decided to keep it from me.

But tucci recruited his most trusted people from the saints.

It was only 10 of us.

Tucci didnt think we would win this war against the mara salvatrucha but i did.

All we had to do was catch diamond by herself, 10 against 1?? It was possible.

And if we did catch her we use her as bait for david to come, so tucci can get his revenge on david too.

"Do you think we should call them and let them know were on our way?" I asked

"No that would ruin the element of suprise"

"Yeah but we will have them feeling scared, and plus ive searched about a gang called los diamantes negros...."

"Where the hell did you find out about them!!"

"Calm down, they can help us take down the mara salvatrucha for good!"

Tucci wrapped his hands around my throat

"Im not fucking playing wit' you, were the hell did you find out about them?"

I rolled my eyes pulling his hands away from my neck

"That box... that you were being so mysterious about, i opened it" i shrugged

Tucci lifted his hands ready to slap me, i flinched but he didnt touch me.

"You have no right to be mad, you dug up my cousins grave without asking me for permission?!!" I shouted

"Last time i remeber you and chyna didnt like eachother so who put you in charge of what happens to her corpse?" He asked

I was quiet for a few minutes

"Exactly, now do what you do best which is shutting the fuck up" he finished of sliding his pillow down to his neck and closing his eyes.

I shot glares at his direction, my blood was boiling but i tried to keep my cool.

Ofcourse diamond was first on my killing list.
But so was tianna, she had diamond in her hands and didnt care to call me to say she had her.

And Damon!! I was going to kill that bastard without a weapon.
He lied to me telling me he killed diamond to later found out that slut was still alive

And lastly, Tucci.
After treating me like garbage all these years.!!


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