Oliver opened his eyes so he could see her as she worked him, and her hips moved with the rhythm of her hand, her wet core rubbing along his thighs.

"Felicity......please......if you don't....", before he could finish she was kissing him, sliding her tongue into his mouth and tugging with a soft suck. He moaned and started thrusting against her hand. He couldn't stop himself and as her mouth released his, he started to feel that all too familiar tingling in the base of his spine. He gripped her hand and pulled it from him and not able to control himself any longer he gripped her hips and moved her forward thrusting up into her with a satisfying growl. She smiled down at him as she started to move and as he felt her body, wet and hot envelope him, he started thrusting against her.

Soon they were both moving quicker and faster and Felicity's eyes met his as they started to climb toward release. As their bodies came together again and again, Oliver felt her walls start to tremble and soon she was crying out his name as she came hard. Oliver thrust harder and soon he was coming inside of her, his arms holding her close to him as he shuddered in pleasure. Felicity kissed his face and along his cheeks as they slowly came back down and she pecked his lips before she looked down at him.

"You have made this blonde assassin extremely happy Mr. Queen. I guess I won't kill you today.", she grinned.

Oliver smiled slightly but then his face turned serious. "Ok, my little nymph. Now tell me what you have planned."

She settled on his lap, his cock growing soft inside of her but she didn't move. She stayed on his lap and smiled at him, "The League is constantly needing to track their people, and these comms as helpful as they are can only be used within a certain range. I found that out tonight when you and Slade went after Nyssa. I lost contact with you after you had been gone for about 30 minutes."

"So?", Oliver said. He didn't understand why the condition of the Leagues comms was making her smile.

"Well Mr. Queen. Now that I have my memory back I have ALL of it back. I am going to offer to create for them a system by which they can track each and every member of the League AND give them some tech that will allow them to place trackers on their enemies, in exchange for our freedom." She grinned at him as if she had the most ingenious idea in the world, and as Oliver thought about it he started to smile.

She just might be on to something.


Oliver and Felicity woke the next morning and gathered their things. Both hated to leave the bubble they had created with just the two of them but they needed to get back and talk to Maseo and figure out how Felicity was going to present her offer. As they took their seats on the plane, Felicity took out the laptop they had with them and got to work. She needed to set up some protocols as well as create the simple software that would help the League with tracking and Oliver watched her with pride. She was so smart and he loved her so very much. He just hoped Maseo and Ras would be receptive to her idea.

They landed a few hours later and he saw a look of satisfaction cross her face and she smiled at him. "We are good to go.", she said.

They entered the compound an hour later and both headed to find Maseo. But as they rounded the corner, Slade caught up with them and pulled them aside.

"I need to talk to you both, now!", he said urgently.

They walked into a vacant room, and Slade shut the door before he spoke.

"I wanted to catch you before you saw Maseo. Listen, I know you guys got your memories back and that is great. I am happy for you both. But we need your help. We got a message from Nyssa this morning that some of the guild are growing suspicious and have been trying to isolate some of the children. If we are going to extract them we need to move quick. We need both your help."

Oliver and Felicity knew what this meant, what he was asking. They would have to put off telling Maseo about their memories and about their offer. Both of them knew they could not walk away with children at risk and Oliver sighed and looked at Felicity, and as she nodded he looked at Slade.

"Ok Slade. We will help. But this is our last mission. After this we are going to talk to Maseo about going home." Slade nodded and held out his hand for Oliver to shake before he turned and left the room.

Oliver looked at Felicity. "Are you sure you are ok with this? What about your shoulder?" He was concerned about her wound, but Felicity was not.

"I can handle this Oliver. We can't leave those children in the hands of the guild. We need to get them out and soon."

Oliver nodded and pulled her to him placing his cheek on her head. He prayed that the mission would go smooth and quick and as he kissed her head he also prayed that Akilah would stay safe.

He couldn't lose her again

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