"Good god, woman! It has been 45 years now, are you ever going to forget that?" We all laughed as Joseph looked at his wife with both exhaustion and adoration.

"Kids, you can wander around the house but I want you back at the dining table in an hour. Am I clear?" We all nodded in unison at her like she was our teacher.

As everyone around me started talking to each other, Victoria grabbed my hand and led me to the garden.

Wow, how rich are they?

"So tell me how was the honeymoon? Tell me everything!" She asked me excitedly.

So I filled her in with all the details from Michael's animosity, my arguments with Nathan, all the sweet moments we shared to the mind-blowing sex.


Victoria looked pleasantly surprised, "Wow, I thought we were in some kind of a similar situation because of which I was going to stop you from making the same mistake I did. I didn't, only for the reason that anything is better than you being with Michael. But it looks like Nathan actually cares about you and I think he really likes you. You've always been crazy about him, this could actually work!" she exclaimed excitedly.

" Pffff" I expressed my disagreement before changing the subject, "Now can you finally tell me, what's with the kidnapping? What happened to Benjamin? Aren't you guys like estranged? Do you know how absurd my questions sound?" I said in an exasperated tone.

As she caught me up with her situation, and how she is plans on getting out of it. I could feel myself get angry.

"I am going to confront him now. Let's see what he has to say to me." I say as I almost march to the house.

"Wait, you can't talk to him. He isn't like Nathan. You got lucky Beth, Aaron is the worst out of all the brothers when it comes to such things. Please don't. You've a contract with Nathan. You wouldn't break that either, right?" She said sternly so I would listen.

"Tori, firstly, we have a deal based on trust and it doesn't involve any legal process. Secondly, I can walk out of this deal anytime I want, and he would respect my decision, not forcefully stop me. I've made some mistakes in my life and I regret them more than anything. I won't let that happen to you." She tried to stop me but I didn't.

"Beth, sweetheart, I love you but I need to fight this on my own. If it doesn't work out, you'll be the first person I'll come to, okay?" Victoria asked with desperation visible in her eyes.

"Fine, but don't expect me to behave well in front of Aaron. I don't like him." I complained and Victoria laughed while nodding.

"Can I make an observation? You have really grown as a person. With Nathan, you are like a completely different person. I like it." Victoria said while checking her watch to see that almost an hour had passed.

Nathaniel Lachlan

As we headed towards the bar, Aaron didn't waste time," So Elizabeth and you, who saw that coming?" He said in a sarcastic tone as Landon chuckled.

"What are you talking about? It happened for the merger, nothing else." I asked him in confusion.

" Really? You were always into her since high school. The way you kept telling us how you hated it when people shortened her name? Even when you left high school you asked me and Landon to look after her. Who does that?" Aaron made good points which only annoyed me. I hate it when he's right about things, as he would never let you forget that and was also very smug about it.

"That was only because Danika really bullied her and I knew she would continue doing so. By the way, thank you for not bringing her here today." I said as I looked at Landon.

"I broke up with her, it wasn't anything serious, just sex actually, and she knew that well. Still kept on insisting for something more." He nonchalantly stated, sometimes I wondered if Landon felt any emotions.

"First of all, there was a reason behind Danika targeting her, she was jealous of how much you protected Elizabeth. Secondly, Really? So you are telling me after this year is over, your relationship is going to be over? So she can date any other guy? Can you live knowing that some other man may kiss her?" He said each word slowly as if I was stupid. He really knew how to get on my nerves.

No, I hated the thought of another man touching her or kissing her. I couldn't stand the fact that she might have the same funny and random conversations as she does with me in bed when we aren't sleepy.

But this is normal right?



"Yeah, I don't care." I said those words out with great difficulty while sipping my whiskey as Landon and Aaron had a stupid smirk plastered across their faces.

"You mean you don't like her at all?" Aaron pushed more, I am going to break his face. He is always right, there has never been a point in his life where he was wrong.

"I like her as a person, I mean do I think she is the best person I've ever met? Yes. Do I like the way her hair smells? Yes. Is she always on my mind? Yes. Will I trust her with my life? Yes. But I don't-" My eyes widened as realization hit me like big yellow bus.

"Good job, Aaron. You were right as always." Landon said as he patted Aaron's back.

"I am so stupid. Instead of just asking her out on a date like a normal person, I married her for a year. Why didn't you make this point before I screwed everything up?" I asked Aaron in an annoyed tone.

"Well I have a philosophy, you make a point only when you know the person in front you in going to lose so bad and feel very foolish. Before you say anything I know I am a bad person and I've accepted that." He said proudly.

They were chattering but I zoned out knowing that I had a lot of things to think about. I am a coward when it comes to saying things to her, I only say it once she is asleep. I'd rather be in denial then tell her how I feel.

I saw the Victoria and Elizabeth coming in while talking to grandma. They had just disappeared out of nowhere.

I loved watching her face, I know it's weird, but she is very easy-to-read, her eyes are very expressive. Our eyes met and her face lit up, but then they shifted to Aaron.

Her expression changed, she was pissed. When Aaron looked at her, she glared at him and did an action to show him that she was going to kill him, but Tori stopped her.

She huffed like a kid which made me laugh.

"Why does your wife want to kill me?" Aaron got me out of my daze.

"Victoria must have said something, be careful, she rarely gets angry when she does, I literally stay out her way. Also, for the love of god, don't argue with her." I warned Aaron who just nodded his head.


Hello All You Beautiful People,

I hope you enjoyed the chapter.


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