Shuhua [Personal Chapter]

Start from the beginning

"Hi, I'm Miyeon. I'm the new trainee here, nice to meet you!"

Shuhua gulped in nervousness not because the girl is amazingly beautiful but her aura intimidates her. "Sh-Shuhua." She then smiled.

They became friends that day, though their conversation was short due to the language barrier.

The picture of Miyeon crying at the playground never left Shuhua's mind, but the Miyeon she's seeing now is the opposite of that girl she saw. She is good at hiding emotions.

She would always drag Miyeon with her so she won't be alone. Seeing Miyeon cry again became one of her fears.

She didn't push her growing crush for Soojin because she have a boyfriend. But the latter has been distant ever since Miyeon came, and no one ever noticed that, even Shuhua.


A year after, they started preparing for debut.

Shuhua learned that Soojin finally broke up with her boyfriend, she was secretly happy but also confused why, the guy was almost perfect for a boyfriend.

Soojin started spending more time with the girls again. Shuhua was more than happy.

Until that night before their debut performance, she was crying because she still lacks a lot.

Soojin was there. That was the day she realized it's not just a simple crush, it was love.

The reason why her heart beats faster whenever she sees her.

Whenever she dances.

Whenever she feels taken care by her.

And it hurts her when she spends her time mostly on her ex.

It was clearly love.

If both of them had heard each other's rapid heartbeat that time, everything would have been different.

If she only knew.


Finding out that Soojin is in a relationship again especially with a girl devastated her.

And for the second time someone was there, not Soojin but Miyeon. Someone who was always been there from the start.


[The day Shuhua slept inside Miyeon's embrace after consoling Soojin]

Shuhua woke up in her own bed, confused because she didn't know how did she get there.

She got up and checked the time on her phone and it was past midnight. She was a bit disappointed because Miyeon should be beside her at that time but she would never admit it. In fact, Miyeon stopped sleeping beside her weeks ago.

She would never admit that she missed it.

She looked to their room but surprisingly, Miyeon wasn't in her bed.

'Where could she possibly go?' she thought.

There's only one place she would go, so she quickly went to that place.

The playground.

She was never disappointed when she saw Miyeon at the swing again, she hid behind the tree once again.

She found it funny that after a long time she would find herself doing the same thing four years ago. Deja vu.

Like before, she never really showed up. She just watched Miyeon stare at nothingness again.

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