"So, will you be my date to Mr. Schue's wedding?" he asked hopefully, seeing this as an opportunity to ask her out and spend more time with her at the wedding to save him from himself.

She bit her lip playfully, deciding to make a joke rather than giving him a straight answer, "Are you sure you don't want to ask Miss Pillsbury? Oh, wait..."

Finn frowned as she laughed at her own joke, fighting the urge to laugh at her joke as well, "You think you're so funny."

Giggling, Dani nodded happily as she pulled herself up on the stage to sit beside him, "I try, I really do."

On the day of Mr. Schuester' wedding, Valentine's Day, Quinn met Dani outside of the church where their former show choir director and guidance counselor were to get married. Quinn looked up from her handbag, seeing her best friend standing beside her in a tight royal blue dress, "You look hot."

Dani lightly blushed, tucking a piece of her hair behind her ear, "You do too. Shall we go in?"

"We shall," Quinn chuckled, pulling her arm through Dani's as they walked to the entrance of the cathedral. 

Santana skipped beside them, pulling her arm through Quinn's as they walked into the church and looked for a row to sit in, "Wait for me, bitches. It is a Carrot Top convention. I am so over this, and it hasn't even started yet. I'm clearly the hottest bitch in this lousy joint, but I'm all alone, stuck here sitting with you guys."

Quinn turned to her right, sending a hateful look to the Latina, "Do you want me to slap you again?"

"I'm sorry but I want to slap you too," Dani added, slightly offended that Santana didn't claim the three of them to be the hottest one's in present company but only herself.

Santana quickly apologized, fixing her makeup in her compact mirror, "I hate weddings, and I hate Valentine's Day. They were invented by breeders to sell cheap chocolate and false hope."

Quinn nodded in agreement, accepting Santana's mirror to check her own appearance, "Do you know what I hate? Men. Every single one of them is a pig, except maybe Mr. Schue and Al Roker. And you know what? You were right. I do let men define me, but not anymore. Like Gloria Steinem said, "A woman without a man is like a fish without a bicycle"."

"One, you two sound super bitter. And two, Al Roker is disgusting, by the way," Dani snickered, reciprocating the small wave Finn gave her. 

Quinn watches them, rolling her eyes in disgust at their ignorant happiness that came with their non-relationship, "Whatever."

Mike stopped at their row, taking the open seat beside Dani, "Ladies, you look beautiful as always."

"Thanks Boy Chang," Santana spat, glaring at Sam and Brittany as they giggled happily with each other a few pews ahead of them.

"Thanks Mike."

Dani turned to face her dancing partner and one of her closest friends, examining his suit, "Mikey, you look so handsome."

The bridal march started playing, meaning that the bride was entering the church. But rather than Emma Pillsbury walking down the aisle, the doors opened to reveal Becky Jackson acting as the flower girl which immediately led into Sue Sylvester, wearing a big wedding dress, walking down the aisle to meet Mr. Schuester at the altar. When arriving at the altar, Sue announced that Emma Pillsbury had fled the scene.

Though the wedding did not happen, the reception did. So Mike and Dani walked into the reception hall, hand in hand, hearing Kurt and Blaine sing "Just Can't Get Enough" by Depeche Mode. Mike got excited, pulling her toward the dance floor as Quinn and Santana made a beeline for the open bar, "Time to dance. So what's with you and Finn? Are you guys finally back together?"

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