Chapter 30; The Stanley Cup Brings More Than One Victory

Start from the beginning

Piet sighed heavily, looking down at the floor. "I'm sorry. Truly I am." He began to walk to the door.

"Oh, ugh... Let me walk you out, Piet," Chris said, running towards him, fumbling around in his pocket for something. Unable to think straight, I began to tear, and I wobbled into my bedroom, closing the door behind me.

Chris's POV

I closed the door behind the two of us and turned to face Piet. I felt nervous. But there had to be a way. "Listen... Piet.. Are you absolutely positive there isn't a way for Hannah to come with us? Maybe she wouldn't even have to come with us tomorrow. She could fly out in time for game four!"

"Ah, not you too, Ozzie. I'm sorry, but she is not in a good condition to be flying and running around an arena she's barely been in. I don't understand what the big deal is with you two. It's not like we wont be back. Most likely, we will be back for a game five. I highly doubt we can take the Pens in a four game sweep," Piet said quietly.

"Piet, that's not the issue. She NEEDS to be there when we win the Cup," I held up a small black velvet box. I pushed Piet and I to the side in case Hannah was peering through the hole. I snapped the box open and watched as Piet's eyes widened. "I've been planning on proposing to her the night we win. In a very special way. If she's not there, my whole plan will fall apart. I've been planning for two months, Piet. Two months!"

"Oh, Oz... I really truly wish there was a way... But I can honestly guarantee you that if she comes with us tomorrow- or for game four, for that matter- she will injure herself. You've seen the way she wobbles. She's weak. You wouldn't want to do that to her..." He was silent for a moment. "Maybe you'll get lucky. Maybe we'll go to a game five..." He walked away before I could speak again. Glumly, I shoved the box back inside my pocket and went back inside to see how Hannah was doing. I wouldn't get to see her for a couple of days. I hope she would be alright without me.


"Hannah, get in here! The game is about to begin!" My brother, Dustin shouted from the living room. I trudged my way from the kitchen to sit next to him on the couch. "Could you move any slower?"

I rolled my eyes and sat down. "Let's remember that I am injured, okay? Piet was right to not have me come, but if they win the Cup next game I may die."

Dustin rolled his eyes as well and turned up the volume. The game didn't go very well anyways. We lost 3-2. Sammy and Mule scored. In my head, I imagined running up to them in the locker room to give them high fives for the effort. Crosby scored twice and Hall once for the three goals. That Crosby guy really ticked me off. He just always seemed to be looking for trouble. This all made me wish even more that I was at the game rather than sitting in my boring apartment with my brother, watching the game from hundreds of miles away.

It was the same thing for game four. Dustin yelling for me from the comfort of the living room couch to come to the room like it was his own house. But there was nothing I could do about it. Chris made sure Dustin was here to make sure nothing happened to me.

On the bright side the Wings managed to defeat the Pens 2-1. Swede and Huds got it past Fleury. Chris only let Hossa's shot past him. I began to grow excited. I stood up and practiced my walking to make sure I was perfect. I barely had a hobble left in my step. The wincing had gone away. I would definitely be going to game five with Chris to see them win the Stanley Cup.

"Okay, Dustin. You can leave now. Chris will be home in a couple hours," I urged, lifting him up off the couch and leading him to the door.

He turned to me and stopped. "Okay, first of all I need my stuff. And second of all, Ozzie wanted me to stay until he got home. I'm not sure I can leave..."

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