Chapter 36: An Eye for an Eye

Start from the beginning

"STAR! STOP!" Skywynne shouted. Her body became surrounded by a bright flash. Suddenly, a beautiful set of lavender wings appeared behind her, decorated in gold detail. Star's eyes widened, seeing Skywynee standing her ground.

For the very first time, Skywynne has transformed into her butterfly form.

Star froze. Her eyes returned to normal as well as her hearts. The magic in her hand powered down. "You...are NOT going to end my sister!" Skywynne cried. "That's...that's just not fair! When did I ever say that was okay?!" A tear went down Skywynne's cheek. Star gasped. After everything Astroida has done, both past and present, Skywynne had so much love for her that she had the strength and motivation to change into her butterfly protect her.

This was an ultimate act of true love for someone, like what Marco did for Star, sacrificing himself to be trapped in The Void to save someone he truly loves. Star looked at her hands, wondering what in the world she was doing. She couldn't believe that she was about to do what her anger and heartbreak were convincing her of. Once they noticed Star was calm, Moon and Eclipsa let her go. Tears came down Star's face. She dropped to her knees.

"I'm's hurts really bad." Star said to them, shaking in a quiver. Moon hated seeing her daughter hurt like this. She knew how it felt to go through a loss Although she knew Marco wasn't gone, Moon could see in Star's eyes that she felt as if she could never see him again. She looked behind her, seeing that Astroida reached down, picking up her wand again.

"Eclipsa? Buy us some time." Moon said. Eclipsa nodded.

"With me, Skywynne." Eclipsa spoke before she and Skywynne flew past, protecting Moon and Star against Astroida. Moon knelt in front of her daughter.

"Sweetie?" Moon said softly, gently sweeping a piece of hair from her face. Star paused for a minute.

"...when grandma did you get through it?" Star asked. Moon gasped. This sent sad reminders of the pain she felt when her mother was killed. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath, holding it together before looking back at her.

"Star? Marco's still alive. You do realize that. Don't you?" Moon said.

"I know my mind...he's gone." Star told her. She started getting angry. "I mean, why did he even do that?!" She loudly asked.

"You know why." Moon told her. "Your father would do the same thing for me in a heartbeat."

"But...but still! That was so stupid!" She cried. Star was so upset she was starting to feel sick, holding her stomach. Star calmed herself down once more. "I just...really love him, mom...and..." Star took a shaky breath. "...I don't know what to do." Star said. "Mom...what do I do?" Star couldn't keep her emotions straight. She felt lost. Moon sighed, wiping a tear from her cheek.

"When I lost my mother, I kept one question in my mind." Moon said. Star looked at Moon. "I asked myself...what would she want me to do right now. Would she want me to give up and feel that everything I've worked hard to achieve is worthless?...or would she want me to keep going, no matter how hard the stakes might be?" Star bit her lip, trying not to cry even more. "Besides, you should know better than anyone that there's always a chance, Star. When I thought that all hope is lost, you changed my mind not just with words, but with actions of bravery and ambition. You always continue to be confident. You shouldn't lose hope that all that's occurred is permanent." Moon told her. Star looked down before Moon took her hand and placed it under Star's chin, lifting her face up.

"Now, what you must do is ask yourself...what would Marco want you to do right now?" Moon asked. Star's eyes lit up hearing Marco's name.

Her mother was right. What would Marco want her to do? Would he want her to give up...or would he want her to keep on going? The question floated in her mind until she thought of an answer. 

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