-6- Almost forgotten

Start from the beginning

"Well, you're not me and I'm not going to break up with her." Suddenly, something slammed Zhan's room door.

"Who asked you?" Asked Zhan in the blue.

"You see, your ghost or soul or whatever follows you, doesn't like her either." Chuyue said.

"Yeah, sure, whatever."

"Even the dead old lady warned you about her."

"Don't start with that shit again. I don't want to hear about it. Ghosts, lost souls, don't give me that shit."

"Says the guy who just yelled at his room door." Chuyue answered and went to his room.

Zhan put on his shoes, turned around again and said, "And you're staying here," and then left the apartment.

An hour later, Zhan was sitting in the noisy bar with Luna Li. She had ordered a glass of red wine and Zhan drank a non-alcoholic beer, since he still had to drive and, above all, wanted to. Because a few days ago, Zhan had finally bought himself a nice new car.

Impatiently, Zhan waited to hear what Luna Li wanted to tell him. But when she finally wanted to tell him, she got a call from her best friend and left Zhan sitting alone in the bar while she went outside to talk to her friend in peace.

And just when he had decided to order another non-alcoholic beer, someone came to him, sat down next to him and handed him a glass of the non-alcoholic beer. Confused, Zhan looked at the person and stared at him, eyes wide open. "What are you doing here?" He asked the stranger.

"I'm here to take care of you, what else?" The handsome stranger answered.

"I see, and why? I'm an adult. And how did you know I'd be here today?"

"I just know about everything you do." The stranger replied. He put his hand on Zhan's hand and smiled. "That feels great." He said, stroking the back of Zhan's hand with his fingers.

"What are you doing? And what do you mean you know about everything I do? Are you some kind of a sick stalker, following me around?"

"I can't often touch something and feel something. And no, I'm not a stalker. I just choose to stay close to you and wait for you to dance with me again."

"So you are a stalker." Said Zhan, looking to the front door of the bar, but still no sign of Luna Li.

"Sorry, I don't have much time and I have to leave right away." Said the handsome stranger. He touched Zhan's neck and pulled out the strap of his necklace, so that his pendant was also visible. "You should obviously wear it and not hide it." Said the stranger, got up and left.

Zhan wanted to run after him immediately and ask him how he knew about the necklace and most importantly, he wanted to finally know his name. But the stranger had disappeared as quickly as he had come, and Luna Li came back too.

He took the glass that the stranger brought him and emptied it almost all at once. Luna Li sat down next to him and Zhan's eyes fell on his pendant, which suddenly began to glow. "What the hell..." He murmured and looked back and forth between Luna Li and the pendant. Was she the source his grandmother spoke of?

"Oh, nice pendant, where did you get it?" Said Luna Li and reached out her hand to the pendant.

Zhan put the pendant back under his sweater and said, "My grandmother gave that to me. She told me it would help me find the person who sent a ghost to watch me."

"What? And you believe that?"

"Well, it just lit up for the first time just now."

"And now you're saying that I sent the ghost to you?

Zhan was amazed that Luna Li didn't laugh or say that ghosts didn't exist right away. On the contrary, she seemed very calm and composed. So did she really have something to hide?

"I'm just saying, it lit up for the first time, and it lit up with you, of all people."

"Maybe it's not a tracker. Maybe it's some kind of message when you meet your true love."

"How do you know what a tracker is?"

"I once spent some time studying such spiritual things. There's no crime in that, is there?"

"Not that. But it is very strange." Zhan replied.

Zhan suddenly didn't feel like spending the evening with Luna Li. He just wanted to get away. But unfortunately, his grandmother had forgotten to explain to him what to do once he had found the source. Fearing that Luna Li really is the source and would use some kind of ritual to take revenge on him, he sat in silence until Luna Li said she had enough and wanted to go home.

By the shortest route, Zhan brought his girlfriend home. As a farewell, he did not give her a kiss as planned. Instead, he let her get out of the car and as soon as she closed the passenger door, he drove away. He urgently needed to go home and call his grandmother and ask her for advice.

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