Wendy started kissing Chelia hand.

Wendy: "I'm sorry Goddess!! I'll never talk back to you again!!"

Chelia: "G-Goddess?!"

Wendy: "I'll worship you like a Goddess!! J-Just don't take away my ice cream!!"

Chelia: "Call me Chelia, and you'll have all the ice cream you want"

Wendy: "Thank you, Miss Chelia!!"

Chelia: "That's it, you've received a one way ticket to the dungeon. Your sentence is one day of torture given by the Queen"


Wendy started kissing her hand like crazy.

Chelia: "I have a separate part of the dungeon for us to play in"

Wendy: "What do you mean... play...?"

Chelia: "You're gonna find out~"

Wendy: "P-Please no" 😣

Chelia: "After dinner, you're going down there. Then I'll be the one to help discipline you"

Wendy: "C-Can I have a huggy...?"

Chelia wrapped her arms around Wendy. Wendy pushed her face into Chelia's cleavage. Chelia just giggled and rubbed the back of Wendy's head.

Chelia: "Do you like my chest?"

Wendy: "M-Mhm"

Chelia: "You know, if you do something for me, I'll go easy on you when you're in the dungeon"

Wendy: "What do I have to do...?"

Chelia: "Close your eyes"

Wendy closed her eyes and Chelia changed her clothes.

Chelia: "Okay, open your eyes"

Wendy opened her eyes and gasped.

Wendy opened her eyes and gasped

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Wendy: "W-WAAAA"

Wendy covered herself and blushed super hard.

Chelia: "Wear that until we go into the dungeon and I'll have mercy on you"

Wendy: "O-Okay..."

Wendy secretly loved this. Having Chelia make her wear embarrassing outfits made her happy. And... a little wet.

Wendy saw Chelia staring at her, so she covered her chest and crotch, feeling her face burning from embarrassment. Chelia looked over at Wendy's clothes she was just wearing and grew a smug grin.

Chelia: "I just realized something. I was looking at your clothes I took off"

Wendy: "Why were you looking at my clothes?"

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