Tharn nodded. "Sounds good. And if we're going to be together the day after tomorrow, then you can come with me to Thanya's birthday party." He let a small smile dance across his lips. 

"She wants me to come?"

"Yeah. She told me to drag you there if you refused. You're the first person, in a while, that she's really bonded with." 

Type smiled wide. He liked Tharn's little sister. She was adorable and nice. She was quite the opposite of Tharn. She also liked to gossip about her brother, which Type loved. They'd only hung out twice, but she seemed just like the little sister he never had. 

"Yeah. Okay. I'll come." 


Type nodded and moved behind the camera again. "Now unbutton your shirt the rest of the way."

Tharn laughed. "Are you taking advantage of me." 

Type shrugged with a smile. Tharn shook his head, but obeyed. Type laughed and leaned back down, snapping a few more photos.

When Type was satisfied with the amount of pictures taken, he sat down at his computer, with Tharn at his side and clicked through them. He picked out the ones he liked and Tharn gave his opinions as well. Of course, most of the ones he liked were the ones of him showing off his body. Type wasn't surprised. 

"These are really great." Tharn and Type both turned as Mija the owner of the studio and Tharn's mother's friend, appeared behind them, looking at the photos as well. "Tharn told me you were a great photographer, but I didn't expect this. Maybe I should hire you to work here." 

"Don't even think about it. He's going for a contract with a company that is popular." Tharn said, raising one eyebrow at her. 

Mija placed her hands on her hips and pursed her lips. "What are you trying to say? My studio is more than popular." 

"For people with animals."

"I take baby pictures, thank you very much." 

Tharn nodded. "Exactly. Animals." Type slapped him on the shoulder, making him laugh. "Okay. Sorry. You take great pictures of babies."

"I know. Now, I have to run out a meet a client. We are doing a location shoot. If I'm not back before you leave, there's a spare key in my desk. You can keep it and just give it back to me another time." She gathered up her things and said her goodbyes before heading out. 

"Hey," Tharn sat back in his seat, slouching down a bit. "It's a bit boring just shooting in the studio. Why don't we go somewhere?" He suggested. 

"Where?" Type questioned. 

"Well, I know she doesn't only have a spare key to the front door in her desk. She also has one for the roof. Wanna go?"

Type nodded with a smile and stood up, grabbing his camera. Tharn laughed and stood as well, grabbing the key from the desk. 

They made their way to the roof and messed around a bit, taking various pictures of Tharn in ridiculous poses. Type had trouble keeping the camera steady because of laughing so hard. None of the photos turned out serious, but Type thought that a few of them could make it into collection of his most favorite pictures he'd taken. 

When they were done, Mija wasn't back yet, so they locked up as they headed out. 

"We can do more location shots tomorrow if you'd like. That was kind of fun." Type admitted. 

"That would be fun. We can figure that out over lunch, though. Let me treat you." 

Type nodded. "Deal. Where do you want to go?"

"You pick." Tharn said, sending him a small smile.

"Okay. Let's go to that little place near the high school then. It's got really good food." Type jumped happily, making Tharn chuckle. 

"Okay. Did you bring your car?"

"No. Techno is boring it."

Tharn smirked. "Then I guess I'm driving. Get in." 

The drive to the restaurant was filled with happy chatter and a bit of singing. They talked a bit about where they wanted to shoot tomorrow, but mostly joked around and Type talked a little more about what it's like in his hometown. Tharn listened and joked around with him as well. 

When they made it to the restaurant, Type got out of the car with a wide smile, feeling all to happy to eat. They made their way inside to find a table. 

They walked around to the back before Type stopped dead in his tracks, causing Tharn to bump into him. 

"What is it?" Tharn questioned. He looked at Type but seen he was looking somewhere else. He followed his eyes to see Sam, get up from a table with a a boy who was clearly many years younger than him. If his face didn't make it obvious, his high school uniform did. "Type?"

Sam and the younger boy began to walk in their direction. Sam draped his arm over the boys shoulder and pulled him close as he flashed a wolfish grin. He too stopped when he could no longer walk farther because Tharn and Type were in his way. 

"Type. What a nice surprise." He smiled even wider, until he caught a glimpse of Tharn behind Type. "I see you brought your boy toy. And to our restaurant?" He pouted his lips like he was offended. "Well, I guess it doesn't matter anymore since I too brought someone." 

He pushed the boy forward a bit. "This is Mix. He's my new model since my old one decided to be stupid a move on." 

"New model?" Type questioned. "For what?"

Sam chuckled. "I'm surprised you haven't heard. Then again, I don't know why you would have. There's a company, named Flash, and they are hosting a competition. Winner signs with them and gets $500 dollars. Of course, you have to pass the first stage, which is even getting accepted. If you're think about entering, you might want to try and up your photography skills." Mix, the boy next to Sam, chuckled softly. "I may have taught you everything I know, but your skills are no where near professional. Guess you should have stayed after all." 

Tharn clenched his fist and stepped forward. "Do you have a fucking problem?" Type grabbed his arm and pulled him back. He placed his hands on Tharn's chest and shook his head. 

"Yeah. I do have a problem. A problem with people coming and taking what isn't theirs." Sam stepped forward as well. Mix didn't hold him back though.

Now they were drawing attention from the other customers. 

"If you have something to say then say it." Tharn said through gritted teeth. 

"Don't think for a second that you're getting away with what you did. We were perfectly fine until you had to come along and ruin it. He was mine and you knew it." 

"First of all, asshole, Type doesn't belong to anyone, and never will. He is his own person who makes his own choices, something you took away from him, and that's you'll ever be. Some lowlife who made him feel like crap for no reason. You don't deserve to have a problem with me, because no matter what relationship Type and I have doesn't concern you." Tharn tried to step forward again, but Type grabbed him by the waist and pressed their chests together. 

"Let's just leave." He said quietly. "Please." 

Tharn let out an angry sigh and grabbed Type by the hand. He pulled him to the car and they both got in. 

Tharn slapped the door angrily, but Type got in silently. Tharn was pissed, but Type couldn't find it in him to be that angry. 

He couldn't find anger over the happiness of Tharn sticking up for him, and he didn't want to.


Thoughts on this chapter?

This is the longest chapter I've ever written. Plus, I was super excited because the next episode of Hello Stranger comes out soon. 

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