Chapter Sixteen: Shape Shifted

Start from the beginning


'He does.'

Isaac looked back at us and I gave him a reassuring smile. 'We'll get you out of this, okay?' I said, knowing that he could hear. He nodded, smiling back.

To Der:
Isaac just got arrested

From Der:
Hold on, I'll pick you up

I got into Derek's car and he started driving, screeching to a halt in front of the school. Scott turned around, 'Get in,' Derek called.

'Are you serious? You did that, that's your fault!'

Derek sighed, 'I know that. Now get in the car and help me.'

'No, I've got a better idea. I'm gonna call a lawyer, because a lawyer might actually have a chance at getting him out before the moon goes up!'

'Not when they do a real search of the house,' I sighed in exasperation.

Scott frowned, 'What do you mean?'

'Whatever Jackson said to the cops, what's in the house is worse. A lot worse,' Derek tried his best not to get angry in front of me. I opened the back door and he paused for a moment before climbing in.


'If Isaac didn't kill his father, who did?' Scott asked as we entered Isaac's house.

'I don't know yet.'

'Well then how do you know he's telling the truth?' Scott tried.

'Because I trust my senses, and it's a combination of them. Not just your sense of smell.'

Scott stopped walking, 'You saw the lacrosse thing today?'

'Yeah,' Derek sighed.

'Did it look that bad?'

I patted him on the shoulder as I made my way past, 'Yeah.'

Derek opened the door to the basement, 'You wanna learn? Start now.'

Scott used the flashlight to light up the stairs, taking a few tentative steps, 'What's down here?'

'A motive.'

'And what am I looking for?'

'Follow your senses.'

'What happened down here?' Scott continued to explore.

'The kind of thing hat leaves an impression,' I sighed. Derek squeezed my hand when he sensed how anxious I was.

Scott frowned, making his way over to the grimy freezer that lay on the floor and examining the padlock. Suddenly, Derek pointed his flashlight at Scott and nodded to the box. 'Open it.'

I winced as I looked at the inside of the freezer, seeing the scratch marks and blood stains on the inside. The very sight of it was horrific and for a moment, I felt no sadness when I looked back at his father's death. Maybe he deserved it.

'This is why he said yes to you,' Scott realised.

Derek shrugged, 'Everyone wants power.'

'If we help you, then you have to stop. You can't just go around turning people into werewolves!' Scott shouted.

'I can if they're willing.'

'Did you tell Isaac about the Argents? About being hunted?'

'Yes, and he still asked.'

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