Karlie sighed, as Sean frowned.

“I’m sorry, Karls. That sounds like a drag, if I can do anything for you, just let me know, alright?”

“Thanks, Sean. That’s sweet of you,” and she smiled sadly at him.


It was dinnertime; the time the sun was setting, when Taylor arrived home.

She was greeted by her parents, who were just starting to eat.

“Taylor! Come join us, dear.”

She smiled.

“Okay,” and headed to the dining table, exhausted.

“What’s wrong, Taylor?” her father asked as she sat down.

“Nothing, I’m just tired,” and she gave them a tired, tired smile.

She sighed audibly, and her parents continued to stare at her, eyebrows raised.

“Taylor, remember that talk we had the other day? About lying?”

“Yes, dad, I’m sorry. I’m just so stressed right now.”

“Why? You’ve done nothing wrong, and you are on vacation. There shouldn’t be any stress,” said her mother, worried.

“There are so many things….”

Her voice trailed off as her parents put their forks and knives down, waiting patiently.

She took a deep breath before continuing.

“I just, feel so guilty. I know it’s not my fault, but I feel really apologetic towards Connor because I keep thinking that I’m the reason he crashed his car. Maybe I wasn’t nice enough –

“Taylor, whatever you do, don’t lie to yourself. You can’t build the relationship out of pity; you’ll just hurt him again when he heals and you go back to Karlie. Meanwhile, where has Karlie been? You don’t go to visit her anymore?” asked her mother.

“I’m scared to face her,” Taylor replied.


“I just feel so guilty,” she said, “I feel like I can’t look her in the eyes after she knows that I’ve been visiting Connor and –

“Taylor,” said her mother, “Tell her the truth.”

“Trust this lady right here,” said her father, pointing at his wife, “She knows.”

Taylor smiled.

“Thanks mom. Thanks dad. I’m really tired right now and not in the mood to eat anything, so I think I’ll just go to bed.”

“Alright honey, don’t stress yourself out.”

“Thanks,” she said, and rose to leave.


Taylor took a long, long bath, thinking over every that had happened to her recently, smiling at the thought of Karlie, and frowning at how long it had been since they had last seen each other.

I miss you, she thought to herself, sinking beneath the water and releasing the weight off her shoulders.

She was lying in her bed now, staring at the ceiling. It was long past midnight, but she still could not sleep; there was too much yearning and restlessness within to sleep.

She sighed again and again, till her body could not fight anyway, and her eyelids finally shut with much reluctance.


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