30th November 2018

Start from the beginning

"Morning bitch." Eleanor said getting up whilst laughing.

"You twat!" She shouted whilst throwing a pillow at her.

"If we didn't wake you up you would've slept through the wedding." I said sitting down on the sofa.

"Well we didn't go to sleep until 4am and I blame Caitlin for that!" Millie said.

"Wait what! Why's it my fault?" She exclaimed.

"I don't know, everything is your fault." Millie responded.

"Anyway my mum is going to be here in a minute with our dresses then when Anna and Jackie get here we will start on our makeup." I say.

"I better get into the shower, I reek of alcohol!" Millie says getting up.

"Okay just don't use Johnnys, he gets furious if anyone else uses his." I say.

"All right." She said before leaving and heading upstairs.

"I'm gonna make some breakfast, I'm starving!" Caitlin said also getting up then heading to the kitchen.

"Don't touch any more Nutella! You've already eaten a jar." I shout to her.

"Who has Malcom and Talia?" Anna asks me.

"Oh my mum and dad took care of her last night but my mum will be bringing them back when she brings the dresses." I say.

"The last time we saw Talia was her 8th birthday party, I can't believe how grown up she is!" Eleanor says.

"You haven't even met Malcom yet have you?" I ask.

"I don't think we have, we've seen pictures but we've never actually met him in person." Anna says.

"Surely we've met him, he's 3 months old how could we not have seen him in that 3 month period?" Eleanor says.

"Well you'll get to meet him soon, anyway I need to get out of these clothes that stink of alcohol and get in that shower. I won't be long." I say before jumping up.

I head upstairs and walk into my bathroom then lock the door. I turn on my speaker then put on the Mamma Mia soundtrack, I take off my clothes and put them in the washing basket then hop into the shower. I turn it on and put the temperature to the highest heat, I spend at least 30 minutes in the shower washing my hair, body and shaving. I get out and moisturiser my skin before I go back into my room to get changed. I grab a black vest and some jogging bottoms then head into my bedroom. I place the speaker on my vanity and close the curtains before getting changed, I put my clothes on and put my hair in a towel before heading downstairs to make myself a cup of tea. I walked into the kitchen to see Eleanor holding Malcom and she was talking to my mum.

"Hi mum!" I say walking up to her to give her a hug.

"Hi sweetie, are you excited for today?" She asked as she gave me a big hug.

"Very excited but also quite nervous, just a bit scared things are going to go wrong that's all."

"I'm sure everything will be fine, you don't need to panic."

"Hi baby!" I say as I take Malcom out of Eleanors arms. "Where's Talia?"

"In the playroom with Caitlin, Milly and Anna." Eleanor tells me.

"Did they behave?" I ask as we walk to the playroom.

"Malcom was struggling to go to sleep last night so I'm sure he'll have a long nap soon but other than that they we're absolutely fine." My mum tells me.

"Aww I'm glad to hear that."

We walk into the playroom and Talia turns her head straight away then jumps up to give me a hug.

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