"Hey, you!" Yes, that is Zhu Hong's form of greeting to a perfect stranger....

But the soul just ignores her, making her irritated.

How dare some lost soul ignore a demon queen like me?! Zhu Hong feels righteously offended.

"I said, hey!" Zhu Hong yells while aggressively pulling the soul to face her. Something she should have thought twice before attempting.

The moment she touches the soul, the soul's entire transparent shape starts to vigorously shake like someone has electrocute him alive with thousands of volts making the soul screech in agony, and apparently whoever touches the soul also experiences similar faith, if Zhu Hong's current faith is anything to go by.

Usually, one would think that demon queen would be able to endure more pains than others given her higher demon status, power, and being part of guardian... however, this case seems to be proving wrong. She is send flying with a strong pressure a couple meters away, making Lin Jing and Guo Changcheng scared and worried while sprinting toward where her body has fallen.

"Bitch...! That hurts like hell! What the---" Zhu Hong roughly breathes before fainting.


"Hong Jie!"

Both Guo and Lin come running toward her unconscious body.


Troublemakers' Group

"Master.... Do something about these things! They are annoying!" Little angel whines while spatting away wondering hands that touching him with great deal of interest.

"Endure it, little angel! Remember what Xiao Wei said? No power as punishment! It not only you either... look at these women.... where they deprive of young men during their lifetime...??-- Hey! Watch it!" Yunlan also adds trying to avoid being molested by wondering souls that trying to undo his robe.

"Why is mommy not helping us out???" Little Angel whines and continues to suffer in the name of punishment which he comes to hate with passion, not that he didn't before...

"Still calling him that? Do you want your punishment to go up?" Yunlan asks, chuckling. Amusement clearly can be heard and seen on Yunlan's expression even though they both are annoyed with ghosts trying to touch them like they are some kind of rare gemstone that they come upon by mere luck.

"It's not like he can hear me now. Besides, I know you loved that prank at the train station. Don't try to act like you didn't, hmp!" Little angel confidently claims.

"Ayihooo! Now I definitely believe in what little devil said that you guys are part of us! Good. good!" Yunlan merrily said making little angel laugh too.


".... Master Wei.... Don't you think it's about time we helped them out? I'm afraid any longer they will be gang rape by wondering souls...." Little devil said with scared tone while starring at the two people in front of them that being mob by female ghosts. They sure are thirty for a taste!

But little devil didn't get any reply from Shen Wei making him turn around to face him but to his surprise, Shen Wei is not with him.

"Eh!? Master Wei!?" Little devil panics while frantically searching for his lost master around the area, not realizing his shout has alerted little angel and Zhao Yunlan.


Shen Wei

Shen Wei was following behind Yunlan and little Angel from Inn with little devil. And after a while of walking around, he saw how female ghosts are touching Yunlan here and there and it irks him, but he still tries to steel his will. After all, this was meant to be punishment for them. If he gives in now, what's the point of the punishment at the beginning?

Then out of nowhere, there was some strange energy pulling him, attracting his attention toward it. Without realization, Shen Wei had already parted his way from others and walked toward the pull. He was in trend toward the pull, but he was still in control of himself. Therefore, if he determined hard enough to stop his track, he could but strangely enough, he doesn't feel the need to.

The energy is happy, sweet. nostalgic... but somehow sad for some reason; it's overwhelming that he couldn't turn back.

"What is this feeling that I'm feeling? Say, little devil, do you know what it is this that I'm feeling?" Shen Wei asks but when he turns his attention back to little devil, little devil is nowhere to be found. Most importantly, Shen Wei doesn't even recognize where he is now. Last time he was shadowing Yunlan was still around mainstream road.

"Little Devil?! Where are you?" Shen Wei shouts but receives no reply.

When he is about to retrace is steps, he hears a faded sad female voice.

"My lord...? Is that really you?" The voice asks, making Shen Wei startles.

However, no matter how much he looks to find the source of the voice, he can't find it except for the giant oat tree in front of him.

"My lord! It is really you! You have come back!" The voice excitedly said again making Shen Wei jump few steps back from the oak tree in fright. The voice seems to be coming out from the giant oak tree!

"Er.... Did I lose my mind? I could swear I heard the voice just came out from the tree...." Shen Wei mumbles, but it seems to be loud enough for whatever is inside the tree because the voice chuckles at his actions.

"Hehehe... I see my lord's reincarnation is jumpy compared to your previous live." The voice answers again.

"Right.... The tree is definitely talking to me, it seems...... Er- so what can I do for you dear tree? I'm afraid I'm not that knowledgeable about environment...tree......?" Shen Wei confesses, feeling embarrassed. He, himself, isn't sure why he is flush. Talking to tree like an insane person or for his lack of knowledge about tree...

"My lord, I'm trapped inside the tree for 1000 years now, separated from my lover.... I assure you, I'm not the tree you are seeing..." The voice said in sad tone, especially when she is talking about her separation from her lover.

"Huh? Trapped inside the tree? Then how come you are still alive?" Shen Wei asks in confusion. It seems the surprise made him forget that he was in ghost village, looking for a ghost...

"My lord... I'm not human... I'm just pure soul from the beginning of time, therefore, physical suffocation is of no threat to me. However, the spell that traps me inside here is suffocating, slowly draining out my soul's energies. I'm afraid I don't have much time left if I don't get release from the tree soon.

"Okay, okay... So, you are trapped in the tree with some spell. But how can I break it for you? I mean, I don't even know what spell you are talking about to begin with." Shen Wei truthfully explains.

"I know my lord. You can't see therefore you can't break the spell. Only the like-kind being can see its structure and break it. If my lord even tempts to break it, it will have backlash that will harm us both..." The voice confesses, hopelessly.

"Then do you know who can break it?" Shen Wei asks, feeling helpless himself.

"Yes.... someone from heaven realm. Do you know anyone from there?" The voice asks.

Heaven realm... little angel! Shen Wei happily thinks.

"Yes! I do know someone from there. Wait, I will go get him here." Shen Wei said but turns right back toward the tree and sheepishly asks.

"Er... Since you have been here over 100 years... do you mind giving me directions to mainstream road again? I kind of wondered here unnoticed."

"*chuckling sounds* Just head straight the path and turn right. You should be familiar with the road by then."

"Thanks! Will be back!" Shen Wei shouts out while running in the direction that the voice gave. 


A/N: Hey everyone!! Sorry for disappearing for almost two weeks. As I have stated in the conversation, I have been busy with real world issues. Please enjoy this~~~~ 

See you next chapter~~~

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