Chapter Twenty-Four: Fury

Start from the beginning

'It's nothing, Mom. I'll explain later, I gotta go.'

Mr Stilinski grabbed a file and quickly flicked through it. 'We've got shoe prints alongside the tire tracks at the trailer site.'

My eyes widened, 'And if they match, that puts Matt at the scene of three murders. The trailer, the hospital, and the rave.'

'Actually four,' Stilinski corrected, 'A credit card receipt for an oil change was signed by Matt at the garage where the mechanic was killed.'


He looked over at Stiles, 'A couple hours before you got there.'

'Alright, Dad. If one's an incident, two's a coincidence and three's a pattern... what's four?'

'Four's enough for a warrant,' Stiles punched the air in celebration, 'Scott, call your mom back. See how quick she can get here. If I can get an official ID, I can get a search warrant. Stiles, Ariana, go to the front desk. Tell them to let Scott's mom in when she gets here.'

'On it.' We both rushed off.

I stopped in my tracks once we got to the front desk. I could smell blood. Suddenly, I felt Stiles bump into me before falling to the ground. 'Stiles?'

'Yeah, everything okay? Where is everyone?' I nodded my head silently towards the deputy who had greeted us earlier. She was staring off into the distance with a blank look, blood staining her clothes.

I was so distracted by the body, I didn't even realise that we were being watched. We heard a click as we turned around. Stiles immediately moved in front of me as we saw Matt pointing a gun at us.

Matt shoved Stiles into the Sheriff's office with his gun, I stayed as close to Stiles as I could, holding his hand. Mr Stilinski spoke up, 'Matt? It's Matt, right?' The boy nodded, 'Matt, whatever's going on, I guarantee you there's a solution that doesn't involve a gun.'

He chuckled, 'You know, it's funny you should say that because I don't think you're aware of just how right you are.'

'I know you don't want to hurt people,' Stilinski tried to reason with him.

'Actually, I wanna hurt a lot of people. You four weren't on my list, but I could be persuaded. And one way is to try dialling somebody on your cell phone, like McCall is doing,' Scott immediately brought his hand out of his pocket, 'That could definitely get someone hurt. Everyone. Now!' I jumped, taking my phone out of my pocket and placing it on the table, still not letting go of Stiles' hand.

'Matt, please stop this. I know you, you're not like this!' I pleaded with him.

He rolled his eyes. 'But you don't. You don't know me. Come here, Princess,' he gestured to the space next to him. I started to move forwards but Stiles pulled me back. Matt sighed, 'Come here, Princess. Or I'll shoot one of your friends,' I gasped and walked over to him. 'That's better now, isn't it Princess?'

'D-don't call me that.'

'But it suits you so well. After all, you're named after one.' I frowned. 'Do you know the myth about Princess Ariadne and Theseus?' I shook my head.

'Theseus was sent to Crete as an offering to King Minos' Minotaur, the lovely princess Ariadne fell in love with him,' he explained, sneering at Stiles as he mentioned Theseus. 'After he killed the monster, he married the princess and took her home with him. But on the way there, he grew bored of her. She was abandoned on an island, all alone. Until Dionysus found her, she fell in love with the god and they lived happily ever after, blah, blah, blah,' he rolled his eyes at the cliché ending.

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