Year four; Chapter two

Start from the beginning

But I couldn't sleep.

At least not with memories flashing through my brain.

Horrible ones.


Mother had just gotten home from the local wizarding pub and brought one of her male friends back with her. Tonight was not going to be fun. She took one look at me and scoffed before leading the male to the living room where they started talked which developed to eating each other's faces off.

While internally gagging, I started on food. Hoping to goodness I didn't burn anything. Once finished I made their plates and placed them on the table before I heard moaning. Great, they're having sex on the couch. I went over and, without looking, told them dinner was ready.

I stealthily grabbed a blanket and, after they put clothing back on, placed the blanket on top of where they had done the dirty. Gross. Mother came and ate before beating me bloody while the guy was in the shower; leaving me to clean the mess she made up. Slowly, I pulled myself up and crawled my way over to the counter before standing up and propping my arm against the counter and wiping the bloody mess up.

I fell down to the floor and started crawling to the stairs before I felt a pair of strong arms lift my body up. Someone brought me upstairs and to my bedroom before laying me down and leaving. The stranger got a rag and wiped off the blood before putting a potion of some sort down my throat and all the pain went away.

The stranger poured another one down my throat and if I hadn't been half conscious from blood loss I would've smacked him but, I could barely keep my two eyes open.  Everything became a haze and I couldn't really tell what was happening.

The last thing I could remember were someone's cold hands roaming my naked body
everything went black.


I had been washing the table before I felt a fair of arms yank me and push me against a wall, pinning my waist against the wall while slowly dragging a wand over the flesh of my shoulder. He murmured a few words and instant pain spread all over my shoulder, I could feel the cold blood seeping down my arm. Quite suddenly, I was thrown down against the floor and someone muttered 'Mufliato' before pointing the wand at my and yelling, 'Crucio'.

Flashback ends

I jerked awake with a start and came face to face with Remus who was leaning over me worryingly while dabbing my face with a moist rag. Before I could register what was happening I could feel Remus wiping unknown tears from my face. Gently, he helped me move from my pallet to against the wall. He put a hand to my forehead and felt it.

" You were burning up with a fever and murming for something along the lines of 'stop'. I thought it was a nightmare and put a rag against your head, trying to wake you."

He put the rag back against my head and pulled me into his chest; holding me comfortingly and protectively. He pulled my legs into his lap which in turn pulled me too. It was just my luck that Remus was the only one to wake up and it also made sense. I buried my face in his chest and could feel tears brimming my eyes, I struggled to hold them back.

Remus adjusted his hold on me and started rubbing my back while whispering encouraging things in my ear like, ' it'll be okay', ' you're safe now', 'it's okay to cry'. Eventually I gave in and started crying my heart out while burying my head in his chest. I'm starting to be glad that Remus was the one who woke up. He was the closest one to me, meaning if one of them was going to wake up from my silent sobs it would be Remus.

He put his chin on my head and continued to soothe me while I cried. It had been forever since I had cried. Eventually we fell asleep, curled in upon each other's grip.

James's P.o.V.

I woke up because of a sharp pain in my side. Then, I leaned over and put my glasses on.

Okay turns out it was just Sirius poking me with his wand. " What the hell Sirius!" I whisper-yelled. He shushed me and pointed to where Y/n and Remus were laying. They were in the corner on the ground laying together, his arms wrapped around her frame, her head on his chest, her leg over his and almost wrapped around his hip. But, they were laying on the floor together and it looked as if he were trying to comfort her or something.

They looked kind've cold. I turned my head to Sirius, " Should we put a blanket over them or give them a pillow or something Sirius?" He looked at me before going to grab a few pillows while I went and took a blanket out of the hallway cupboard. Sirius held them up while I slid the few pillows under their heads and we both grabbed the corners of the blanket before carefully pulling it overtop them.

We silently high-fived before looking at the clock. 8:30. Only about thirty-forty five minutes before mum would call us down for breakfast. Sirius and I started getting dressed before Peter awoke. After he got ready and saw Y/n and Remus we made sure the lights were off and they were asleep before heading down for breakfast.
Y/n looked like she could do with a good nights rest.

And it's starting to worry me.

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