Lost In History | 10

Start from the beginning

He was here, disguised as a witness.

To Robin's murder.

A very elaborate scheme had been played out before Diana's eyes. However egotistic Bane was, he had a clever brain, after all.

The words, spat out by the Anguis member, spun in her head. Her vision clouded from the storm in her head, and it hurt.

"I-I was there! I saw her drag the Queen, Her Royal Majesty Queen Robin, into the streets and into the forests! This madwoman murdered her in cold blood in front of my own eyes! It was dark, so she couldn't see me, but I saw her through the slimmer of moonlight. It was her! She killed the poor Queen to send the kingdom into chaos! I heard her say it before she...she slit the queen's throat! She is a psychotic madwoman who wants to see the kingdom set on fire!"

The story itself made her want to throw up. Even with knowing the truth, the thought that she would even do such a thing to her mother made her ill inside.

Crocodile tears had been spilled, a gut-wrenching performance showcased. The liar shook in his seat, visibly flinching whenever Diana turned to face him in horror. He pointed a shaky finger at Diana as he listed his false accusations, his voice growing louder and louder as he approached her.

"You killed her!" He screamed, lunging forward. "Naga only knows what you've done to her body. You bitch! How cruel can you be to bestow such a heartless death upon our precious queen, and call yourself a loyal citizen of Ylisse?!"

The audible screams and gasps of the council members around them were indeed enough to prove that they bought into this story. She was sure she was pale from the sudden shock, which didn't bring her much help.

Bane had successfully backed her into a corner, and she didn't know what to do.

Of all the villains she had faced before, he was surely the most infuriating.

Diana wanted to shout. She wanted to scream that she was innocent. But the deafening shouts and screams around her hinted that her words will be drowned within the sea of false testimonies and vindictive insults. The blazing hope from the night before was put out by the meticulous hands of the man in front of her.

Ocatvius spread his arms wide, turning his body to face his councilors. "You see, my good people? This woman is a murderer! She is a threat to our kingdom!"

"Psychopath!" One of the councilors screamed. "Sentence her to death!"

"My fellow councilors!" Octavius roared over the sea of chants to execute her. "Here lies proof of flesh and blood that she is the true orchestrator to the death of our honored Queen Robin! I highly suspect that she had attempted to murdered me only mere days ago because I was close to discovering the truth myself!"

The courtroom burst into a series of hollers and shouts of disbelief at the last statement. Diana would have scoffed if she wasn't so horrified at the turn of events.

Chrom whirled toward Bane, stunned. "What are you-"

"For these past few years I had been investigating the disappearance of our queen, and as it turns out she is the one who played our kingdom like a chess board all this time!" Octavius was so immersed in reading off of his script, he didn't even notice his Exalt's sudden exclamation. "And this kind young man was brave enough to step up and reveal this heinous crime! I commend you for your bravery. You shall be rewarded greatly."

The member of Anguis bowed shakily and was escorted out by guards.

When the door shut, the shouts only grew louder and more malevolent. Some of them were singing praises for her to burn in hell. Her ears began to ring, and Diana closed her eyes to calm herself down.

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