"Not everybody is the marrying type."

"James said everyone is when they meet the right person," Sirius commented as she used the pads of her fingers to blend her foundation into her skin.

Marlene snorted, "Yeah, but James is a lunatic. He would have married Lily when they were fifteen if she would have said yes."

"Yes, but supposedly he wouldn't have done that with any other girl."

"I guess so, but he's also a romantic. He thinks there's one perfect person out there for everyone and he's been convinced since...what second year? That that person is Lily so of course he would believe in that. It's easy to believe in something that has happened to you. It's easy to believe in something that's yours."

Sirius scrunched him his face thoughtfully as Marlene fixed her hair and added the last touches to her make-up. "So you don't believe in that?"

She paused, "I think it's too depressing to think there's only one person out there for all of us. What if they live across the world? What if I never meet them? What if I meet them, fall in love and then they..." Marlene shook her head and continued, "I think there are some people that are more compatible for each other than others...but I don't think I'm ever going to meet someone and just be, done, you know?"

"That makes sense."

"I used to though," Marlene said grabbing her things, and stopping in front of him. "I used to believe in the whole fairytale fantasy of it all."

"Oh?" He smirked boyishly, "And what happened?"

"I grew up."

Sirius said, "So you don't believe in any of it?"

"No," She said, "I'm sure I'll get married at some point, but my life is no longer fixed around reaching to that point."


Marlene snorted at the thoughtful look on his face. "I love how you are trying so hard to understand this. I could give you a book and draw you a picture of why people get married, but to be honest you're never going to get it until you're the one who couldn't imagine living without someone."

"I already feel that way," He said earnestly, "But he just married someone else..."

Marlene gave him a sympathetic pat on the shoulder. "Well good thing Peter's single then, huh?"

Sirius snorted. "Wormtail couldn't handle this if he tried."

"I don't know," Marlene muttered shutting the door, "He seems like he'd be a surprise. Not an exceptional performer, but he seems like he'd have a trick or two up his sleeve. Remember in third year when he recited all the Minister's of Magic since the 1500's?...He's full of surprises."

"Ew," Sirius gagged, "I don't want to think about that."

Marlene snickered, "Well too bad, because now every time you see Peter you're going to think about that."

"You're evil, McKinnon."

She smirked and cackled before apparating to the reception with Sirius closely following her.

"Is it just me or do you feel like that wedding missed a few steps?" Peter asked Remus, sitting down at the head table.

Remus fixed his tie and replied, "Lily wouldn't let him do any vows because she thought he'd make her cry and neither of them have families. They exchanged the rings, they agreed to everything, but they left out prayers or personal vows..."

"Have you read Sirius's best man speech?" Peter questioned.

Remus shook his head, but then froze with a look of horror. "....No...why? What did he write?"

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