Y/N: Am I...

Truck-kun: Dead? Yes, yes you are friend

Y/N: 0_0

Truck-kun: What?


Truck-kun: Okay okay calm down, I know this feels unrealistic but hear me out, I am the famous Holy Truck-kun that kills victims and Isekai them

Y/N: .......

Truck-kun: ........

Y/N: ..........

Truck-kun: What nothing?

Y/N: I still can't believe I'm talking to a truck....

Truck-kun: Well anyway the point is, I killed you, your dead, and your about to be Isekied

Y/N: Greaaaaaaat~ I'm pretty sure I want be Isekaied into a cliche Fantasy World that's greaaaaat~

Truck-kun: Your being sarcastic, I used to do that but not anymore, it started to become....competitive, but trust me, you'll like this one....

Y/N: If it doesn't have dragon Waifus, I'll kill myself I moment I get Isekaied

Truck-kun: It has Dragon Waifus

Y/N: I'm Ready I'm Ready I'm Ready I'm Ready I'm Ready I'm Ready I'm Ready!

Truck-kun: Wonderful! Enjoy the word of Terra friend!

Y/N: The world of what now?

Then all of a sudden you were swallowed by a bright light as you slowly disappeared away from Truck-kun, Truck-kun was staying still as he forgotten something to tell you.

Truck-kun: Oh darn I forgot to tell him about the OP System....oh well, he'll figure it out eventually, his an Isekai Protagonist after, they always figure things out, well then; onto the next victim! I have to deliver some weird Phone as well....being a Truck that can Isekai people is exhausting....my front bumper needs to be fixed....



You have successfully Reincarnated into the World of Terra!

Y/N: Umm...what the heck am I seeing right now?

For your successful Reincarnation, you have earned over 999,999,999 Originite Prime

Y/N: Umm...I don't know what that is but that sounds a lot...

Earned 999.999.999 Orundum

Y/N: I still don't know what that is but why so many?!

Earned 999.999.999 MD's

Y/N: Q_Q Why so many 9's?!

Skills have been earned!

Boiling Burst: Upon skill activation, ATK and DEF gradually increase to +999%, and attacks slice enemies easily. After skill used deals 400% ATK as Physical damage to surrounding enemies.

Y/N: Uhh...

Shadowless Death: The closest enemy around and launches strike 10 times in a row, dealing 999% of ATK Physical damage every time and Stunning nearby enemies from AOE damage for 9 seconds by the last strike.

Y/N: 9_9 Uhhhhh.....

Bulletstorm: Using 5 Originite Prime, manifest any firearm and summon multiple that said kind of firearm around you, ATK Physical damage by 999% of each firearm you use.

Y/N: Q_Q Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.....

Clockwork: Using 10 Originite Prime, Rewind time by 20 seconds back, see upcoming events 60 seconds ahead, stop time by 99 seconds.

Y/N: ...........................................




You then wake up with a loud call as someone pushed you into the ground, you try to examine your surroundings as you try to recall what's happening, right now your laying on the floor with a blanket over you with your legs lean towards a bed, you then saw an individual standing over you with an unpleasant look.

Y/N: Uhh....

???: How long are you gonna lay there? We have to go!

Y/N: G-Go where?

???: *sigh* have you forgotten already? We have a Caster Test today, so hurry up!

The individual yelled out at you as he stumble out of the room leaving you, you lay there for a moment until you remember you were reincarnated in another world.

Y/N: Right....I got Isekaied....

New Skill Earned!

Y/N: Eh...?

You have interacted with the first person in the World of Terra. New Skill has been unlocked!

Radical Caster: You now have posses of Radiation Element, using any amount of Originite Prime allows you to shoot out Radiation which can cause a wide spread AOE damage, anyone who is exposed to Radiation will have Radiation Poisoning.

Y/N: .......................I became a Tactical Nuke huh? Great.....


And thuse the start of my new Arknights Book, hope you enjoy, until then I'll see you in the next Chapter, bye-bye!

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