He wondered if it weren't for the music, would she be able to hear how quickly his heart was beating in his chest? Did she have any idea how badly Chan wanted to grab her hand? How much he wanted to hold her?

As one performance ended, Misun straightened in her seat as Minho and Hyunjin came on stage along with another boy who's face was adorned by freckles. Her cheers were the loudest in the room, and as Chan glanced her way, he admired the smile on her face, and how her eyes lit up at seeing two of her friends doing what they loved. All he could think about was how much he wanted to kiss her.

If it weren't for the location and circumstance, he would have. But, he wanted it to be a moment just for them. He had waited enough already, he could wait a little longer.

He turned his attention back to the stage, allowing himself to enjoy the upbeat music and the three boys on stage who looked like they belonged in the spotlight. He admired the obvious passion they had for dancing, it was clear to see even if he didn't know them well. Each move was calculated to perfection, no doubt practiced a million times. As it ended, he found himself cheering almost as loudly as Misun was.

The showcase went by quickly, and Chan and Misun filtered their way through the crowd to find the stage door to meet Minho and Hyunjin. Misun ran up to her friends the second she spotted them, engulfing them both in hugs and praises. Chan stood off to the side, letting them have their moment. He gave his own compliments when their attention was finally directed to him, and he was introduced to the third boy in their performance — Felix.

Chan was invited along with the others to celebrate, and as much as he had wanted to spend time with Misun and only Misun, he admitted he wasn't opposed to going out with the others. As they shared a table, talking loudly over drinks, Chan wondered how he got to this point.

When he had met Misun, he had no intention or interest in her friends, and yet here he was, genuinely having a good time with all of them. Sometimes their energy was draining, but he never regretted it. All he wanted was for Misun to see he had an interest in who she was and who she involved in her life.

Felix was the first to leave, followed soon after by Minho and Hyunjin. Chan had convinced Misun to accompany her home, as it was late into the night, and even though she denied it, was slightly tipsy from drinking. She smiled brightly as they walked the streets of Seoul together, a bounce in her step as she walked.

"I want ice cream!" She announced as she turned around to face Chan.

"Ice cream?"

"Yes, let's go get ice cream. I want ice cream, you want ice cream."

"How do you know I want ice cream?"

"Everyone wants ice cream. Always. Ice cream is never a bad decision."

"I can think of a few people that wouldn't want ice cream-"

"Okay, well we want ice cream, so we are going to go get ice cream."

Chan did want ice cream, so he agreed. Anything to make her happy and anything to stay with her longer. He followed her lead, having no idea where they were going. According to Misun, he was being too slow, which led her to grab his hand to drag him along.

Chan's breath caught in his throat at the feeling of her hand in his. How perfectly it fit in his, how warm it made him feel. He felt as if he was floating, his head was fuzzy and his already beating heart had somehow quickened. What are you doing to me?

She dragged him into a convenience store, leading him to the freezers in the back and grabbing a tub of chocolate ice cream. He wanted to protest sharing a whole tub of ice cream, but he couldn't bring himself to do it. He paid for the ice cream, earning a pout from Misun, but he didn't care.

They found the closest park to the convenience store, sitting close in order to share the tub of ice cream. They didn't speak, but they didn't have to. Between the ice cream, enjoying each other's company and the quiet in the park, it was a perfect night.

Halfway through the tub, Misun groaned, "I think I've had enough ice cream for the year."

"You're going to end up finishing it tomorrow night."

"I mean, you're not wrong."

Chan smiled, leaning back on the bench to look up at the night sky. The stars were faint do to the city lights just outside the park, but they were brighter than they usually appeared. Misun copied him, sighing in content.

"Did you mean it?"

Chan turned his head to look at her, "Did I mean what?"

"When you called me beautiful."

"Yes, I meant it."

Misun smiled softly, still looking up at the sky. She didn't reply, but judging by her smile, she didn't have to. A yawn took over that smile, another sigh escaping her lips right after. Standing up, she turned to face Chan, grabbing his hand again, "I think it's past our bed time."

They walked home, hand in hand, and sooner than Chan wanted her house came into view. She turned to face him as she reached the front door, "Thank you for coming tonight, I had a lot of fun."

"Me too."

They stared at each other for a while, neither of them wanting to be the first one to end the night. God, Chan wanted to kiss her, but he didn't want to risk ruining the best night he's had in a long time. Instead, he compromised, leaving a soft but quick kiss on her cheek before pulling away.

"You missed."

His eyebrows furrowed, "What?"

Misun stepped closer, grabbing the back of Chan's neck to bring his lips down to meet hers. Chan's eyes fell closed as he wrapped his arms around her body, pulling her in as close as physically possible. He felt like he was going to explode, every nerve in his body was being set off at the feeling of her lips finally on his. The waiting was worth it, beyond worth it.

She was the first to pull away, "I said you missed."

She left one more peck on his lips before opening the door, smirking as she said good night and closed the door, leaving an awestruck Chan in front of her house. He blinked a few times before a grin spread across his face. Somehow, a perfect night had become even more perfect.

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