Messing with my family

Start from the beginning

"its not that big of a deal, ill just get it back when i see them again Wil. and if i need back up ill tell you guys" Techno said, trying to calm me down. the bell rung  signalling us to head inside and head to classes. we got up and dusted off before heading inside, splitting up.

Techno heading to his advanced math classes, Tommy to English, and i made my way to science.


it has been 2 hours


Techno POV

i was making my way to lunch which Wilbur and i had together today, but we got Tommy out of class so he doesnt have to sit alone but he ended up bringing Deo too. we walked our way into the dining hall and took a seat. but the entire time i was just death glaring Skeppy and his crew, the amount of murder in my eyes was radiating heat into the back of Zak's head. I got out of my seat, gaining a few eyes on me, and walked over the Zak's table.

"ok, ive had enough. give me my phone" i commanded. Zak and his crew stood up and towered over me, curse their tall genes, and lifted my phone above their heads. i just stared into Skeppy's eyes with absolute murder, making Darryl who was beside him shiver.

i had enough of just standing and doing nothing. i looked around and everyone shuffled far away from us in their seats. i was never an aggressive kid and i will never be, but i had enough of just sitting down and letting things happen. i shoved Zak, not really hard, but just enough to make Wilbur and Tommy stand up. "i said to give me back my phone, im only going to repeat myself once" i said calmly, not wanting to show aggression. just then, i was punched in the face , which hurt like a bitch must i add. "ok thats it" i heard from behind me and Tommy and Deo started throwing hands. Wilbur backed up and started recording, and a few other kids too. this was definitely going to get on the front of all social media.

i felt blood trickle from my nose but i just let it hit the floor. my phone was on the table behind the fight so i tried to sneak my way over, but i ended up getting punched in the face twice before actually getting the phone in my grip.


the fight was then torn apart short after by Coach Pete, who (may i add) was watching the fight go down at first. we were sent to the principles office, who in which, we had to beg not to call Phil and for us just to explain what happened. in the end Wilbur, Darryl, and Deo were let off the hook, but for the rest of us? we had to stay after school and clean the mess we made, which made me mad but i chose not to rebuttal. so we all just left the office and continued with classes till the end of the day.


after school


i just had to be partnered with him?

i swept the floors in a small rhythm i had going. i could feel daggers stabbing the back of my head. i turned around a bumped into Skeppy's chest.

oh lord, my life is over.

Tommy's POV

 Deo and i stuck together to clean making the job go really fast. we let Vincent go home early since he was really tired and it was just sad seeing him try to do anything with all his bruises and wobbling figure. we basically washed dishes and mopped.

i had a bad feeling for Techno, but Deo told me that everything was fine so we headed to or houses.

i knew i should have trusted my gut feeling


8:30 pm


Techno POV

i stumbled my way home and snuck in. i sat at the kitchen counter and finally passed out, the cold counter against my face was soothing in a way, it really reminded me that everything didnt really hurt so bad. nothing really felt so bad.

Phil POV:

i walked in and saw Techno in the dim light, sleeping. i walked up to him and my eyes widened, my boy. i woke up Tommy and Wilbur and rushed them over.

"what..." Tommy said in shock, Wilbur was silent...and im pretty sure hes planning murder.


"they really think they can get away with this?" he said quietly

"w..what?" Tommy stuttered out.

"messing with my family..."



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