To much work

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"Two more burgers of the day dad!" You called from the other side of the counter, today was a busy day in the restaurant considering it was Saturday, Dad aka Bob Belcher nodded and got to work, you left the table and whizzed off to another table to clean up the dishes,

Suddenly the door opened, there stood your father's greatest rival, Jimmy Pearo,

"Huh! Woah! It sure is busy over here, maybe I should come back when there's no people, oh wait that's every day! Hah! Zoom!" Jimmy said to clearly annoy your father,

"Get out Jimmy," Bob said in annoyance as he rang the bell, Your Mom aka Linda got it and whizzed to the table,

"Jimmy go back to your restaurant please," Linda asked as she took someone's money,

"Hmm no, I just needed a break from all MY customers," Jimmy said as he stifled a laugh,

"Get the hell out." You said as you went up to him,

"Make me princess," he said as he knelt down to your height,

"Y/n don't you do anything bad," Linda said as she came to the other side of the counter to make sure you didn't kill him,

"Do. not. ever. call. me. Princess." You said as you glared at him,

"Oh I'm sorry your highness," he said with a smug face, suddenly you snapped,

You reached up and grabbed his ear,

"HEY HEY! Ow!" Jimmy said as he tried to move out of your grasp,

You dragged him out the door,

"Y/n! Stop it!" Linda panicked,

Bob laughed,

"Bobbie!" Linda said horrified,

You dragged Jimmy Pesto back to his restaurant,

"Now stay in this hell hole!" You shouted as you slammed his door, he gulped and went back to work, you huffed as you walked back to the restaurant,

You walked in and everyone was staring,

"What?" You questioned, everyone went back to coversating and eating,

"Thanks kiddo!" Bob whisper yelled to you making you smile as you went back to work,

'This isn't fair! This is Tina Gene Louise day to work! I'm so tired! I've covered them for the past three weeks! Ugh I'm exhausted and I have to do my homework!' You thought as you took the bin into the kitchen and placed the dishes in the washer.


The rest of the day dragged on, and it didn't help when Teddy came in and ranted about his towels being slightly different colors,

When it was closing time you practically fell asleep when you were wiping down a table,

"Y/n?" Bob asked as he came over, he startled you awake,

"Yes Dad?" You questioned as you finished wiping,

"Just making sure you were awake, you kinda dozed off?" Bob said as he took out the money,

"Huh? Oh yea, just a little tired I guess," you said as you took your apron off and hung it up, Linda came over and put her hand on your shoulder,

"Sweetie your exhausted because you've covered for your siblings the past three weeks," Linda said as she locked the door,

"Your mothers right, you need a break," Bob said as he opened the front door,

"I'm fine really, if Tina Gene and Louise need a break then they can have it," you said with a smile,

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