A Storm Approaches

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Sleep was difficult to come by for the hero and by the time he managed to doze off, the sun had just glimpsed the horizon. All the same, he only managed to sleep a few hours before he was awoken by the sound of the Sheikah Slate chiming and the sudden weight of something on the bed.

Sleepily blinking his eyes open, Link pulled away from the arm that hung limply over his waist and rolled onto his back, glancing down toward the end of the bed. The sun had risen enough that it was easy to see the blue and purple figure seated on the end of the bed, her legs crossed.

"Good morning, master," Fi's voice chimed in the quiet room. The arm over Link's stomach tightened in response to the sound and Link glanced over to see Ghirahim still asleep.

Fi's gaze seemed to follow his and she said, "I shall prepare a meal for you before we depart to Gerudo Town."

Swinging her legs over the edge of the bed, Fi stood, taking the Sheikah Slate with her as she exited the room, her heels clicking against the hardened clay of the floor. Link watched her go, absentmindedly wondering why she didn't levitate instead of walk, when another thought occurred to him.

In the panic that had ensued yesterday, Link had completely forgotten about Fi's words before she had shattered.

"I believe there is a ninety four percent chance that Ghirahim is betraying us," the woman had said.

Turning his head on the pillow to stare at Ghirahim, Link felt anxiety and confusion churn within him. Why would she have said that? Ghirahim might have been stubborn and annoying sometimes, but he wasn't going to betray them. If that had been his plan, he wouldn't have helped Fi rescue Link from the Yiga's hideout and he most definitely wouldn't be assisting the hero in claiming shrines and Divine Beasts.

Still, a 94 percent chance? That was extremely high and Fi's calculations were rarely wrong. In the time they had spent together, Link could only think of one instance in which she had been incorrect in her calculations, and that was only because of the unforeseeable circumstances.

But if, by some small chance, she was right about this, why? Why would Ghirahim betray him? Why wouldn't he have done it sooner? Why wouldn't Fi have realized it sooner. It just didn't make any sense.

"If you think too hard," Ghirahim's tired voice suddenly said, "your brain might implode."

Link forced a small smile at the remark and watched as Ghirahim's brown eyes opened, the smallest of smiles appearing on his face.

"Did you sleep well?"

Link nodded though, really, he hadn't slept much to begin with.

"That's good," Ghirahim replied before Link rolled onto his left side and pushed himself to a sitting position. His muscles were considerably less sore than they had been the day before which he was grateful for; he didn't particularly enjoy conquering Divine Beasts while sore and tired. Spending literal days on end solving the puzzles inside the machines was exhausting enough.

Bending over the edge of the bed, Link picked up his clothes from their place on the floor, standing up so he could slide on his pants. Behind him, Ghirahim was silent as Link dressed himself, pulling on his boots one at a time and then yanking the white and red tunic over his head. He knew he'd have to change into his Gerudo outfit to enter the town, but while Fi had the Sheikah Slate, he was left with only the clothes he had discarded the previous night.

When Link turned back around, Ghirahim hadn't moved an inch.

"I must say, I'm quite enjoying the view," he remarked with a small smirk.

An equal mix of uneasiness and guilt rolled viciously in Link's gut and he awkwardly paused for a beat before signing, Fi's making breakfast. I'll go help her.

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