Zelda smiled at him before forcing him to put the papers down," I don't know about you, but I'm famished. Let's get something to eat."

Lyric smiled and shook his head before standing, his red and white colored clothes clashed against her blue and tan ones.

"Fine princess. Let's go." Lyric stated.

Zelda chuckled as they headed to the dinning room, the two conversed, smiling as they enjoyed the company. The pain of nostalgia filled Lyric with sadness. This Zelda looked just like his, but that was the past.

Lyric looked ahead, his mind swimming with thoughts before his ears caught the faint sound of foot steps. He looked behind them slightly seeing no one, but he blinked activating aura sense seeing the similar aura that Isa had. He smirked shaking his head as Dialen slid around the corner looking up and down for the child.

"Damn that child and that skill I taught her!" Dialen swore.

Zelda looked behind them curious," Dialen? What are you doing here still? Weren't you gonna head to Losha Harbor this morning?"

"I was until Isa dared me to show her my invisibility! She learned how to do it by just watching!" Dialen gasped out." I've been trying to catch her ever since."

Zelda chuckled," Well it is lunch time. She will get hungry eventually. Come join us for lunch, she'll probably risk a bite to eat to replenish energy."

Lyric smiled at Zelda," I'm guessing you did this with her back in the forest?"

Zelda smiled at him," Oh heavens no. She would play hide and seek with the Koroks in the morning and before night."

Lyric shook his head before he turned to the hall before them. As he began to walk her heard Dialen groan in complaint as Zelda snickered with amusement. Lyric though twittled his fingers before he felt Isa slowly take his hand. A smirk played at his face, he barely knew the child and already felt the love Link did. He knew deep down he would never let anything happwn to her as long as he could control it.

"So Lyric, when do you and Ghirahim plan to head back to the demon realm?" Zelda asked.

Lyric looked to Zelda," Well once the gate way is rebuilt Ghirahim said he and Lia would go stake out the status of the realm and if it is safe then everyone can come back through. I will be the last one just to make sure there are no stragglers."

Zelda nodded as they rounded the corner for the dinning hall," That's good... Do you think everything is alright over there?"

"Honestly, I dont know. My all seeing eye can only see so much, but whenever I try to look at the realm, I see nothing but a empty void."

Zelda looked at him concerned," That isnt a bad omen is it?"

Lyric shook his head," No. Just a reminder that I can only see the events of everything in the realm I am currently in."

Zelda sighed with releif," Well I can only pray that Hylia blessed your home."

Lyric smiled," Indeed."

As Zelda and Dialen walked into the dinning room, Isa pulled on her shirt making him look at her," Yes dear?"

Isa's invisibility faded away her eyes looking up at him with curiousity," What was it like before you became a demon?"

Lyric blinked at her then smiled," Well sweet heart that is a very very very long story that I'm sure no one ever wants to hear."

Isa blew her cheeks up," So? I wanna know! I wanna hear your tale!"

Lyric smiled," Then how about I write it for you? That way you can read it whenever you want!"

Isa gained stars in her eyes as she nodded furociously. Lyric chuckled as they walked into the loud room, the chatter of everyone bouncing into his ears.

"Then I will start writing it tonight. How 'bout that?" Lyric stated.

Isa smiled and nodded before looking up and cheering," Daddy!"

Isa rushed at Link and crashed into his legs causing a oof to form as a chuckle waived through part of the crowd.

"Isa! Have you been behaving?" Link asked pointing a finger at her, a raised brow was visible as Isa began to smile big.

Lyric happily answered though," Oh you know, she's just been taking Dialen on a wild goose chase all morning."

The anger on Link's face grew as his eyes narrowed. Isa's sweet smile began to grow more nervous as she began to dig her toe into the floor.

"OH REALLY?" Link exaggerated.

Isa bowed her head with shame, her nervous smile still there as she realized her poor judge of character. Lyric was just as cruel as Rohell, but just as fun.

The Knight & The Prince (A SidLink Tale)Where stories live. Discover now